more about my day job;
Okay so this week, in addition to morning and afternoon standup meetings; we had a 30 minute check in Tuesday with agency contact (for which my boss hugely monopolized conversation), Wednesday we had an hour long "sprint review" which was mandatory cheerleading followed by a 30 minute long post-mortem meeting after a larger meeting which felt very self congradulatory, Thursday (today) we had a very self congradulatory meeting after my boss' 45 minute presentation which we were required to attend, tomorrow is an (unpaid, mandatory) hour long team lunch and a 30 minute monthly one-on-one meeting with my boss and I do NOT know what I'm going to say.
I make what's the nicer end of pay rate for annotation, probably because of local cost of living, but I really bristle at the amount of emotional labor I am doing at no extra cost - not just so my boss gets his nice happy office fantasy where everyone's delighted to be there and working with him and the less likable people stay in the background and don't ever complain, but also the sheer volume of (not always successful) effort I put into defusing my reaction to stuff which hits me square in the issues.
re: more about my day job;
@Leucrotta So he's egomaniacal as well. This is the sort who Needs Everyone to Love Him.
re: more about my day job;
@Motodrachen yeah I think that's it, he's not a narcissist, he's just a (at least in that regard) neurotypical asshole.