mental health
An immensely stressful day wound up with us dissociating half the day, and still currently so.
Wound up bouncing from place to place because I was scheduled wrong. Mostly consisted of people being angry at me for something I have no control over, relying on me, or mocking my gender identity when they think I'm not listening. some went bad. Others went well.
mental health
@Oneironott *sends many hugs*
mental health
@Oneironott Some of the things may need to be dealt with later but dissociation trades now for later well, as long as you don't lose important bits of things. It can be especially good for things that won't need to be dealt with later by involving anyone else other than you, just sitting down and remembering and processing things somewhere safer.
mental health
@Oneironott grah. *sends gentle hugpets*
mental health
Mostly with yesterday and today being a 100% scramble, we are left pushing ourselves into a dissociative state because we have no other way of relaxing, and our mind has gone straight down into a pit. Can't afford to be present right now.
I don't mind this.