Thought I'd ask again and try using some tags this time: Are there any other #plural or #multiple systems out there who aren't particularly spiritual, who might be interested in getting to know us?
We don't have anything against spirituality, it's just not something that either of us can really relate to. I feel a little isolated, because there aren't many systems out there who, like us, aren't deeply spiritual.
@Rosemary Depends what you mean? At least some of us definitely consider ourselves spiritual or religious. But that's not really part of our plurality at all.
@korosarum Like I said, I don't have anything against spirituality! It's just that for some systems it's a major part of their identity and I don't think we could relate to that.
@Rosemary Well, as we said it's not exactly a major part of our identity. Or at least not as much as it used to be, and stuff has kinda come into question since we discovered plurality.
Also, are you aware of Postfurry?
There's quite a few non-spiritual systems we know from their Discord.
@korosarum We've heard of it, but we're not sure we'd really fit in there. It doesn't seem like a bad group of people, just not one we'd be comfortable in.
I hope your plurality hasn't been causing any stress, with it making you question your spirituality.
@Rosemary Not too much stress, just us trying to figure things out and try our best not to infringe on each other.
As far as other aspects of life, it's honestly sort of been a stress reliever? That we're not alone, and that I'm not the only one who has to take action.
I mean we've always had issues with things like socializing but we kinda attribute that to all of us trying to come up with what to say and utterly failing at that. (We're a little closer to a median system maybe? But still)
@korosarum We're probably some sort of median system too; I'm not too sure.
One of the things that I'm worried about is one particular person we think might be in that discord, who Felthry has a complicated history with and I don't think I'd be comfortable around because of that.
@Rosemary We dunno if we're median or not. For the most part, I'm the only one who actually fronts, but one of us used to front before we decided to transition.
But we're very clearly all individuals, and we all try and make decisions by consensus. Which adds to the complication in social situations, as we said.
@korosarum There's only two of us, so it's not that hard for us to have a consensus. We typically make decisions from just the person who's fronting at the moment, and there hasn't been a problem with that yet. I'd probably consult Felthry, and I would like to think the other way around as well, for any major decisions, but none have come up yet.
@Rosemary There are 8 of us, so it gets a little... intimidating sometimes?. Not all of us are always "present", so it's not always fully consensus but we try to keep each other in mind.
@korosarum The more the merrier, yes?
I'm not sure if I'm always present. There've been extended periods where Felthry (previously Xolroc) was the only one around, but I think it was more that it was suppressing me unconsciously, out of (somewhat ironically) a fear of losing me again. There's a whole history to our system that I might tell you sometime, if you're interested, but I don't want to just unload bittersweet memories on you.
@Rosemary Definitely! Both to the "more the merrier" and to eventually hearing the history of your system. We have our own, but we don't really wanna just dump all of that on you.
@korosarum Yeah, I don't think talking about your less-than-pleasant history is the best thing to do when first meeting someone. It's nice to meet you, by the way!
@Rosemary It's great to meet you too! Sorry for the late response.
Preferably #otherkin and/or #furry, too. We have... Not sure if it's a mild distaste for or a mild aversion to humans. Honestly, it didn't ever occur to me that it could be an aversion until typing this and distaste seemed the wrong word.