hey, people who know stuff about writing transcripts of webcomics and things (mainly for search purposes):
how should you treat instances where a comic has a deliberate typo or misspelling or otherwise unorthodox orthography? do you transcribe it verbatim, or do you interpret it into "normal" words and punctuation that won't trip up e.g. a screenreader or someone doing a search without knowing a precise spelling, or do you do both somehow?
@typhlosion Examples:
CHARACTER: [haggardly] Why is this happening?
CHARACTER: Why is this “hoppening?”
CHARACTER: Why is this happening?
[Original: “wHy iS tHIS hOPPEnINg”]
@noelle @typhlosion That one isn’t quite as search-friendly, but also an option.
@casta @typhlosion
CHARACTER: Why is this hoppening [sic, delib]?