@ElectricKeet Heeee!
What /is/ Diamond playing on it, anyway?
@ElectricKeet hm! I could see that.
Probably would be amused to play Tracer because that's their last name, but... D.va's probably closer in personality. :-P Or even Sobra, very much Diamond's color scheme. :-}
@ElectricKeet Er. SoMbra. This hacker girl: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/sombra/
@emanate @ElectricKeet Either her or Lucio. Speed, sonic weaponry, team support.
You know Malachi's going to main Mercy, though.
@emanate Nothing, until it charges to full... and I can image it for recovery purposes... and I install the usual necessities. I think they want to play Overwatch, of all things.