I even found evidence!
It's not a RickRoll -- I'm flat-out telling you what the link is: it's a mashup of Never Gonna Give You Up and Robo's Theme. It's 100% not my fault if you click on it. I'm only telling you the evil exists; I'm not telling you to stick your face in it.
@literorrery It's not a RickRoll if I tell you it's a RickRoll!
@literorrery Thank you for sharing the knowledge of this wonderful thing. I discovered it when replaying CT on the DS, years ago, and I'm now at the point where I can't even reliably hum one of the songs without slipping into the other.
@literorrery So, it's a RickRobo? :-)
@literorrery Agh, this thing! Noooooo. Noooooo. :D