venting, temporal flux/illness
So now instead of August 14th/31st, it's looking like Aug 21/September 13th for the physical regimen and then transplant
despite what was said two weeks ago they still didn't give me a concrete answer until I go and call
like, that's all I want at this point, is just to put a dart on the board and COMMIT TO A DAY
dont even feel like I can come home until I at least have *that*, 'cuz it still could change.
venting, temporal flux/illness
@literorrery I can understand /why/-- no doubt, wanting to make sure conditions are right, that the cancer is actually in sufficient recession before passing my blood over.
It doesn't really excuse how hard it's been to pin a fucking bead down over when this all is supposed to happen, though. Like, just some extra communication.
*grump, grump*
venting, temporal flux/illness
@neonNeptunian You are allowed to be an equal to others. You are allowed, nay encouraged, to ask that your needs and wants be considered as well. You are allowed to be more in the world than a sponge for others' suffering. Please be well. We're thinking of you and we miss you too.
venting, temporal flux/illness
@literorrery @neonNeptunian Piggybacking on this, boosting it, etc. Everything said here. You are more than your ability to help, you are a being worthy of respect and care and joy.
@literorrery @neonNeptunian All of this. 10000% this.
venting, temporal flux/illness
@neonNeptunian I can understand too. That doesn't excuse them not seemingly having a plan, not communicating it, and not explaining when and why it's changing. Your willingness to do this shouts volumes of your dedication but you have your own life too, and they should be respectful of that fact.