i have some music on cassette, but no cassette player. does anyone have any recommendations for good budget cassette players? doesn't need to be something that'll fit into a hi-fi audio system or anything, just a doodad i can plug an audio cable into and that maybe has its own speaker or such
@nallwolf either works! i typically only listen to music when i'm at my dorm
@typhlosion I recently saw a review for this one on YouTube: https://www.amazon.com/Sony-Stereo-Cassette-Boombox-CFDS70BLK/dp/B01DUF3UVC/ref=sr_1_8?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1515607974&sr=1-8&keywords=cassette+player
The built-in speakers can be a little flat, but the line-out sound is pretty great and it does FM, Audio CD, and MP3 CD as well
@nallwolf ooh, worth considering! the CD stuff is kind of redundant for me, i rip all the CDs i get cos i like having music on my computer, but i'll keep it in mind
@typhlosion no external speaker here, but these yellow sport walkmans were the bessssst
@typhlosion it will last you the next 3 lifetimes
@Fuego 4 lifetimes or no sale
(jk, thank you for the recommendation <3)
@typhlosion go to a thrift store and buy any given Sony Walkman. You might have to repair the belts.
@typhlosion I'd be surprised if any are still being produced, but you can probably find a used Walkman (which is rather well-regarded I believe) on amazon or ebay
@typhlosion Portable or boombox style?