terribawesome; brotastickal (+)
These guys have been flyering up and down our street. They're such bros, Anthy won't even let me link to their website, but you're really only missing a lot of pictures of buzzcut guys in ballcaps crouching and smoking.
Below is their "manifesto," and it's so pure and naïve I want to capture one of them and feed him carrots through the bars of a pet carrier.
re: terribawesome; brotastickal (+)
... as far as Shadowrun city gangs go, these weefles won't stand a chance against the Orc-a-Dorks.
terribawesome; brotastickal (+)
@zebratron2084 *Reads, and immediately looks utterly crestfallen*
Oh fucking hell
The techbros have infected Zombocom!
re: terribawesome; brotastickal (+)
@Phorm I like to think they're more like the exact mathematical endpoint opposite to zombo.com.
For every yin there must be a yang.-- a glycerine and fake-ass fruit-reeking yang with an Ed Hardy shirt, a knit beanie, and a tallboy in each hand. :)
terribawesome; brotastickal (+)
@zebratron2084 dude, don’t try to bend the spoon and shit, only realize there is TOTALLY no spoon. Whoa.
re: terribawesome; brotastickal (+)
As far as I can tell, this image below is the _complete and exhaustive_ catalogue of the Shithaust "art collective's" output.
I think I'm starting to fall in love with these lads, much the same way Frank Zappa fell in love with Captain Beefheart, Wild Man Fischer, and the Shaggs.