potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
"police-involved flomping"
re: potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
@JulieSqveakaroo He's really good at it. Crime in New Orleans would grind to a halt.
potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
Can't commit any crimes that matter if you are busy petting a cat
Oh wait no I just thought of a few
re: potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
@001zlnv I mean, Shemp's actually corrupt as shit. Artie is HIS SISTER FFS, and I'm sure you've seen what she's like from my previous posts. The whole family is a criminal gang, really.
They just ain't gonna hurt nobody, because they're good kitties. Outlaws with hearts of gold. =^_^=
re: potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
@001zlnv I figure Police Shemp's personality is basically Boss Hogg if he found Actual Lawful Good Jesus and also was a cat. Lazy, tolerant, genially corrupt southern sheriff who hasn't issued more than a stern warning to anyone who didn't have it comin'.
re: potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
Issues a warning, "bring me a fish"
re: potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
@001zlnv There's nothing less dangerous than a food-motivated sheriff.
re: potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
Long as you're not trying to move snacks through their jurisdiction. "Gonna need to impound those hotdogs"
re: potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
@001zlnv NO, NO, THAT'S HOW GOOD SHEMP IS. He doesn't even try to steal our food. He waits for treats. <3
re: potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
That is a good cat!
re: potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
@001zlnv Peg and I are pretty sure he was a really really good German Shepherd or something in his last life and this is his first time 'round after his promotion to cat...
potentially tacky shitpost; cats (++); birdsite meme; police reform; The Thick Grey Stripe
Laying there and batting at leaves on the ground would be an improvement...