eye health (--), yikes
Well, that's fun.
Found out I had a retinal detachment some time over the last year, and while it mysteriously healed itself, I'm still at "very high risk" for another.
Laser surgery ahoy, I guess. They can at least try to head it off. Better than going blind immediately? 🤷
eye health (--), yikes
@zebratron2084 Oof.
Well, good that you've had mysterious healing powers take care of the immediate problem and here's hoping surgery goes well and you come out of it with some cool superpower.
eye health (--), yikes
I did not even know that was a thing without getting hit in the head.
re: eye health (--), yikes
@zebratron2084 My mom's been through a laser retinal surgery, she said it hurt quite a lot but was otherwise a simple situation to go through. I guarantee you her eyes are worse than yours, so it shouldn't be quite as much of an ordeal for you. Good luck and remember not to the maul the optical surgeon in the middle of the procedure.
eye health (--), yikes
I didn't know that could fix itself, in all honesty...
On the plus side... space-cat with EYE LAZORS!!!
re: eye health (--), yikes
@zebratron2084 Ooof. Warm hugs but not too tight, I don't want your eyes popping out onto my shoulders or however mammals do those things. c..c Please don't look at me directly while not wearing your visor once you have the laser eyes on, thank you. ♥
eye health (--), yikes
*Grimaces and gives you a tight hug* Good heavens, that's... that's the kind of awful anxiety burr that'll get stuck in your head and burrow deep. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that at ALL. That's just not fair.
If you need any help, or if there's anything that can be done to assist, please don't ever hesitate to ask <3 I wish I could magic this away for you.