cw: bleah
Everything doesn't suck right now, but some things do. More importantly, the circumstances are perfect for creating persistent illusions of suckiness.
I'm really close to just walking away from Birdsite. I'm at the point where I can no longer assure myself that at least the leftists I read are being drastically less toxic than the right-wingers.
No, I just AGREE with them more, and that's not good enough anymore. :| Torn between trying to fight a losing battle and just leaving.
cw: bleah
Meanwhile, each time I read Birdsite or Reddit I'm finding myself tempted to just embrace the post-truth era, construct the most ludicrous hair-splitting ideology I can, and pretend to believe in it uncritically for the rest of my life.
I mean, why not? Social media's already reduced ideology to performance art. It's time to get back on the cutting edge and show these Pepe-come-latelies what a REAL fringe lunatic sounds like.
cw: bleah
Zim: "Computer! Give me all the information you have on the FBI!"
Computer: "The FBI is a government law enforcement agency."
Zim: "Continue."
Computer: "Insufficient data."
Zim: "Insufficient data!?! Can't you just make an educated guess!?!"
Computer (haltingly, making it up): "Okaaaay... Uh... Founded in 1492 by... uh... ...demons, the FBI is a crack law enforcement agency designed to... uh... I dunno... Fight aliens?"
cw: bleah
@zebratron2084 We thought the Catholic Church invented it in 1431 for the trial of Jeanne d'Arc! ;)
cw: bleah
Worried about work, which is silly since I'm still pretty much near the top of the annotator hierarchy. But that's the thing, isn't it. Do you kids still know about the Peter Principle these days? O:)
I'm loving the greater responsibility and challenge, but man, I have learned NOTHING about taking criticism with a stiff upper lip. And I know I'm gonna get reamed when my evals come around, 'cause I am clever but SLOW.