Contractually obligated to post this here

Beep. I've been using my @hax account more. Just consolidating.

@vahnj I should have phrased this as I am a network engineer and am not know ruby

Getting an error when I run:

"RAILS_ENV=production cd /home/mastodon/live && /home/mastodon/.rbenv/shims/bundle exec rake mastodon:media:remove_remote"

I'm not sure where to troubelshoot...

Need some masto admin help, Getting an error when I run:

"RAILS_ENV=production cd /home/mastodon/live && /home/mastodon/.rbenv/shims/bundle exec rake mastodon:media:remove_remote"

wuh? I treat nail polish like car paint and it turns out awesome

@emanate @forestservice @ElectricKeet I was offered that too in the Bay Area, it seems to be more widespread I was just watching Wargames recently and remembered that

@squirrel dude, right?! I want to buy a SAS controller at 2 AM.


We would like to remind you that the sun is going down for scheduled maintenance. We anticipate this will primarily affect the North American continent, though portions of Central and South America may also be affected. During this time we expect the sun will only be partially available, though a full outage may briefly occur in some areas.

The full maintenance window ends at 21:00 UTC and we anticipate no further maintenance necessary in this area until 2023. Thank you.


Then there's the local friends who devolved into acquaintances and I'm just like, wtf did I do wrong? I'm increasingly questioning why I even work, or do anything for myself.

Insert the usual "I hate being single and hate how almost everyone just wants to fuck." rhetoric for today. Would have been cool to share watching the eclipse with someone, but I'm likely just going to break into my office's roof or someshit and try to enjoy it alone.

Ahh yes I was expecting that tax shit cruise missile strike to my ass. Guess its today.

@lattera I really think JS is trying to evolve into Java and simultaneously as bad as Flash.

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