why even fucking try to draw anymore? People keep lying to me and saying it looks good. Barely looks better than the complete garbage I drew 5 eyars ago. why even try.
@Draekos I'm logging on to tell you your art is awesome friend and I know how hard it is to take pride in your work but I hope you can at least find some belief when I say that your friends aren't lying and your art is really great
I don't see much of the 18+ stuff but everything I've seen you draw is great and I hope you can believe yourself some day 💗💗
@Draekos hey, those aren't lies at all. You're one of the best artists we know and we really look forward to being able to commission you sometime in the future, when you're feeling better and more up to it.
@Draekos *gentle support hugs* We love you, and your art, even if you can't see it right now. Depression is an awful liar. >.<
@Draekos The slightly-too-easily-offered answer is "if it makes you happy, do it," especially because art progress is incredibly hard to evaluate (color sense isn't figure drawing isn't composition etc).
But I get the "why do I try" relatively often and it sucks. I hate feeling that way, I'm sorry you're there right now and I hope how you feel about your artwork shifts back to how you feel when you're really happy and productive.
@Draekos I disagree, you have improved a lot. I don't think you are giving yourself enough credit ~<3