Work (-)
Still employed. Seems that my potential raise is directly tied to [function x], which I do not actually in any capacity *do*. I only benefit if my coworkers get their shit together. (Which is unlikely.)
Also, the banhammer has come down on phones. I have to leave mine locked in a locker, rather than on my person. Given I don't have access to a work-sanctioned web browser or a company email address or work digital camera, that's going to make parts of my life needlessly complicated.
Work (-)
@Momentrabbit @zebratron2084 That's a very raccoon solution. I like it.
Sorry about this bullshit, Moment. *hugs*
Work (-)
@ElectricKeet @Momentrabbit I have eighteen different bespoke strains of distemper! Four were for my PhD! *big crooked smile*</Kirsch>