Irreverent guide to USB connectors.
USB-A: The original rectangular one that you always have to turn over twice to fit into the slot. There's one on nearly every USB cable that isn't USB-C.
USB-B: The kinda square one used for every cheap long-abandoned printer ever so there are always a bunch of them in the way whenever another type is desired.
Mini-B: The one with the highest ratio of "confused for Micro-B" to "useful for anything other than last-gen videogame controllers".
Micro-B: Where did all my Micro cables go? Everyone borrows them, nobody returns them!
USB-C: They finally got it right! And with any luck, the cable's the right type and won't fry what it's connected to. The future is bright!
#drawings today in an attempt to stay afloat. I’m fairly happy with my newfound willingness to fill the page largely with ink. Beautiful furry art and song lyrics!
hey, since it came up earlier today, i have a small page on my website explaining the monty hall problem. it was written for the audience of people who know what the solution is, and can maybe even prove it's true mathematically, but who can't understand it intuitively. i think there are a lot of bad explanations out there (or at least explanations that didn't help me), so i approached it a different way, breaking it down into cases and showing what happens if you do or don't switch in each one
i've posted this before, but today i touched up some of the wording i was unhappy with and also made the css nicer
In D&D the other day we found out that the community we were in didn't have good access to magic and weren't able to defend themselves from the people in power, so my character wrote down all the spells they knew and gave it to someone they trusted to teach the magic to other people so they could at least protect themselves better
The only good use for gathering knowledge is to share it freely and make it widely accessible
Quote from a Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan Text about animism, emphasis mine
"If we believe that plants and animals, mountains and rivers are alive it shifts the ways we view our responsibilities to to the earth and each other. It doesn't mean we never use them to our own ends, but it does mean that such use is often approached with deep respect and examined for its necessity."
Loving this book already. Anprim pagans GTFO, this person gets it.
— Xander (They/Them)
Hey Seattle folks, if you want to be part of a study to help investigate potential vaccines for coronavirus, Kaiser is looking for research participants!
A few hours ago we got to 21,000 participants, we're on track to double our record by the deadline on 12th March, and over 15% of respondents are 31 or older now so those Facebook sharing efforts are really working!
If your #gender defies the binary:
We just hit 20,000 responses! 😁
On self care..
(Context: Kay, the human girl, was recently rescued when the Earth suddenly blew up, and is the sole survivor. It's been a bit of a wild ride since. She's currently at the home of her rescuer, talking to one of his sisters)
I 💖 @orrery
I 🕹️ retrogaming
I 🔊 chiptunes
I 🦄 ponies
I ☁️ cannabis
I � Unicode
and yes to 🤖 but #nobot
avatar art by Dana Simpson (