@mawr @solarmerps that's like an atvcycle
@mawr @solarmerps hmm, three wheels in a row with articulation to let them not necessarily be in a straight line (so you can lean into a turn)
@squirrellilly offer the duck a kiwifruit as substitute?
@robinhood (it *does* call back to folklore about garlic being protective against supernatural beings, but i seem to recall the garlic thing was specific to dracula in bram stoker's book. could be wrong though)
@heatherhorns only in this thread?
(i am joking don't worry, you're nice)
@heatherhorns imagining the robot wife being extremely tired of that joke and reminding you for the nth time that she's actually made mostly of aluminum and brass, with very little iron outside the motors
@robinhood wasn't it actually just that count dracula personally was allergic to garlic in the book? not a general vampire trait?
@sharkNserg renbymon
re: FA drama
@relee they're saying that, but it's unclear just how much of that is true. a lot of people feel like they're being gaslit by the claims that the rules have been there all along
they're definitely needlessly nonspecific, and some of the stuff we've seen where people share their conversations with staff about it are... well it doesn't seem like the staff understand the rule either
feels like a rule that they plan to selectively apply
re: meta controversial masto feature
@codl what's "the tweetdeck layout"?
@KinkyTurtle @electrickeet https://github.com/ErrorFlynn/ytdlp-interface This, mostly. Give it the youtube URL and you can set it to download just the audio, convert it to your preferred format, and even split into multiple files using youtube's chapter data
@donni better-than-bad-minton-but-not-as-good-as-average-quality-minton minton
@Aradia no, see, the witch is the cat's familiar
re: zelda tears of the kingdom
@ziphi iwrc there's a cutscene where he even attempts to eat a rock roast
re: zelda tears of the kingdom
@ziphi not just game mechanics, his enormous appetite is directly shown in age of clam
@rey i feel like the saltines you get in two-packs at restaurants are also miles better tasting than the ones you get in big boxes at the grocery store
probably because no one pays attention to the ingredients at restaurants so they can put more fat and stuff in them
@rey saltines?
@solarmerps just remembering ctrl-shift-esc is good enough for me, is there some reason to put it on the taskbar?
@codl i notice also that the world 2 stages jump from 2-9 to 3-10
@niss that didn't really go as intended
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