re: food, roasting red pepper recipes
@rey ah, we don't like bell peppers so can't give any input there
or does the "was here before it was cool" thing only make you a hipster if you're unreasonably smug about it
re: food, roasting red pepper recipes
@rey or scotch bonnets. scotch bonnets are tasty and would probably work well with that? maybe?
re: food, roasting red pepper recipes
@rey make the cucumber, salmon, and cream cheese rolls and add chopped habaneros to the cream cheese
@Roxy out of curiosity we just went and checked and the original is 1.46 GB
I wonder what the extra 5 GB and change are used for? probably mostly higher resolution textures
@trysdyn Also consider: floor lighting
upward-pointing light fixtures near the floor is a neat look
@hi_cial it's a game we keep meaning to play but keep forgetting about
re: Nintendo Direct
@DarkOverord is it xenoblade 4? or something added to 3?
-F @hi_cial think about it like focusing on proving theorems, showing that if you assume X and Y it means that Z will necessarily be true, stuff like that
-F @hi_cial nah there's a focus on results, but the results are often things about the nature of mathematics and sometimes very difficult to wrap your head(s) around even if you're a mathematician
@hi_cial you can just think of it as "math for its own sake" if that's easier! -F
@hi_cial pure math is the field of mathematics that's about doing math to math, basically, without regard to any applicability to real-world problems
despite the focus on math to the exclusion of all else, a *lot* of things discovered in the study of pure math have turned out to be really useful years down the road
@hi_cial Like our understanding of several areas of mathematics things, pretty sure physics is unaffected but several theorems in pure math go Weird if you let 1 be prime
Plural system of three, Felthry, Alaric and Rosemary. We'll sign posts with a -F, -A, or -R.
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