re: question about appliances, boost if you can
@amberxorluci you probably would want what's called a window unit, they just mount in an open window. tend to be fairly cheap too. not sure how available they are in europe but i have no reason to assume they wouldn't be easy to get
they're the ones that look like this that you've probably seen
@sharkNserg telefang!
@terrana I can agree with that.
@codl probably meant to be a thing for the steam deck, not as useful on non-game-dedicated hardware
@Kaffe the range of acceptable sizes in my mind is roughly from grapefruit to soccer ball, with some compensating factors if there's more than the standard two. Sometimes can go larger, too.
@Kaffe canteloupe might be more my size, personally, but grapefruit is good too
@JulieSqveakaroo going to guess it's 50% mai and 50% tai
@Aether @anthracite oh this whole aesthetic looks really cool here, i like it a lot
@codl a cymbal is just a really wide bell
@NovaSquirrel oh, no, if it stops entirely then you need external hardware to wake it back up and that gets Complicated
some processor ssupport that, but it's rarely used
@NovaSquirrel The lighter sleep modes on most processors do just switch over to a 32.768 kHz clock and shut down parts of the processor, so I suppose you could argue that, rather than being unable to sleep, this processor is always sleeping
@Moot brown is just Fancy Black
@Austin_Dern what's a "secret mania"?
@relee we are of the opinion that everyone should read discworld
@keliff What does it mean to "go from six key to eight key"?
@anthracite so, can't really vote because they are both right for different meanings in our usage
@anthracite stray cat = cat who has an owner but escaped and gotten lost, or cat who grew up with humans but lives alone now
feral cat = cat who grew up in the wild
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