Capitalist philosopher: The first rule of economics is that there's not enough for everyone.
*researches the amount of used land on the planet*
*researches the yearly amount of wasted food*
*finds a list of some patents that would be very helpful for public use*
*acknowledges massive technological advancement in manufacturing*
*is generally aware of the legal state of hemp*
Me: ...I am unconvinced.
I don't _really_ want to be using a 16VAC input to this, 14VAC is sufficient and it's already gonna be dissipating a lot of power
or some other linear regulator, maybe we can use an LDO and a capacitor that's less than 20mF
okay we're overdesigning this
just gonna, stick a 7815 in there for the 15V thing, use a schottky bridge rectifier and a big cap, and we'll worry about anything on lower voltages when those things actually get designed in
not going to but it should not be this hard to build a power supply using technology that's been around for like six decades
tempted to just say fuck it and stick lead-acid batteries in there all over the place. oof
we don't know enough about magnetics to be comfortable winding our own transformer if it's going to be carrying a nontrivial amount of power
what we know: we need at least 750mA (call it an amp for headroom) at 15V
this is not hard, get a 14V or 16V AC source (transformer) and rectify etc.
but we have reason to believe we may also need a nontrivial amount of current at 5V, and I don't exactly want to be dropping 15V to 5V at like 2A in a linear regulator, so do they make transformers for 14VAC to 5VAC at 10-ish watts, or something like that?
"It is a tragedy, I feel, that people of a different sexual type are caught in a world which shows so little understanding for homosexuals and is so crassly indifferent to the various gradations and variations of gender and their great significance in life." -- Emma Goldman, in a letter to Magnus Hirschfeld, A HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS AGO
Too much of tech learning is either "go figure it out yourself" or "Just type/copy/paste this in".
There is not *nearly* enough of:
Use this:
"abc -d e -f g | h"
abc is the command to do X
-d e means to debug e
-f specifies file g
| is a pipe to send the results to the next program
h is the program that does the Y with the X done by abc
Plural system of three, Felthry, Alaric and Rosemary. We'll sign posts with a -F, -A, or -R.
Autistic, 20-something, anxious mess
Please introduce yourself before sending a follow request.
#FelthrysVGMSelection for my music picks.
Current avatar by @hi_cial