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re: YouTube 

Not mentioned in this video is that they're also instrumental in pushing 2 of their members to commit to racially-motivated mass-shooting, oh yeah, and the owner is a pedophile, a fact that their members constantly hand-wave away.

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For everyone that needs to hear this: Having a sleep routine that is outside the normal sleep routine doesn’t make you a bad person. Just because capitalism decided people should be asleep and be awake at a certain time doesn’t mean everyone can sleep at those times and we should be allowed to sleep and be awake whenever we need to.

"Our solar system contains three types of planet: Rocky terrestrial planets like Earth and Mars, gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, and ice giants like Uranus and Neptune. In our exploration of other solar systems, we’ve also found types including lava planets, gas dwarfs, and protoplanets. But observations from the Hubble Space Telescope have uncovered a new and most unusual class of planet: A “super-puff” with the density of cotton candy."

“In the past, censorship worked by blocking the flow of information. In the twenty-first century, censorship works by flooding people with irrelevant information. [...] In ancient times having power meant having access to data. Today having power means knowing what to ignore.”

― Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow

Subtoot at a distant observer who has some takeaways from today's fediverse events 

No, you will not mischaracterize me and the people calling out racism as people who are okay with transphobia. That is character assassination.

I am one of the last people in this world who is going to tolerate transphobia. If anyone intentionally misgenders someone, or do other transphobic and enbyphobic things on my watch, that would be an instant block.

None of us have indicated that we're okay with transphobia or misgendering. What really happened was that we are acknowledging that language can lead us wrong. That is not an excuse, or to say it's okay to misgender. It's to say that a lot of harmful cultural ideas are baked into the way we think, act and write, and the language we use to convey ourselves, and that even the best of us can make mistakes.

That's why callouts happen, when we keep each other thinking about the way we do things and how it might hurt others, we tend to avoid these harmful behaviours.

Meta and praxis 

At the end of the day, if you hold people's arms back when they defend themselves against bad people, bigots and racists, you're no better than them, because you just enabled their harmful behaviour. Identify the harmful behaviour and call it out first.

Also do keep in mind that a lot of harmful language and attitudes are baked into our culture. So it's important to call it out, and work towards something that is generally less harmful.

If I step out of line, don't be afraid to poke me about it. I am trying to do better.

Gentle reminder: the "War on Christmas" bullshit conservatives love to pull is a) definitely anti-Semitic, b) arguably anti-black racist, and c) occasionally Islamophobic.

a lot of presidents make a point of never speaking on subjects they dont have expertise on to seem worldly and intelligent but only donald trump will confidently tell you hes not sure how toilets or windwills work and he doesn't care to invesitgate further

nike, harassment, religious excuses for unprofessional transphobic behaviour 

Nike under fire for failing to recognize trans contractor’s pronouns, gender identity / LGBTQ Nation

At least one co-worker told the trans contractor that it was against her religion to refer to them as they identify, while others literally began to ignore the contractor rather than correct themselves.

someone should do an internet ethnography of whites using ableism to deflect from our racism. and by "somebody" I probably mean a team of a dozen researchers because there's a few decades of constant primary source material to review, jesus christ,

white folks... we gotta stop falling for "won't someone* think about ** disabled*** people****??"

* the people to whom I have just been racist
** give an ongoing blank check to
*** autistic and mentally-ill
**** whites

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Callout Meta, Leftubers 

A lot of white leftubers muddy the waters on this, and make a lot of long winding videos dancing around this point, but it's simple.

When someone calls someone out and keeps it purely about their actions and the harm it caused, that's good, because you're pushing that person to be better.

When someone uses oppressive or bigoted language as a cudgel to call out a minority who has messed up, it's just bigotry with an excuse. A lot of bigots use this praxis to hide their power level, while pretending to be of the former camp.

And when you take people from the former camp, and you lump them in with the people in the latter camp, you are doing the work of the people in the latter camp for them, and poisoning the community by attacking the people punching up. A lot of leftubers are guilty of this.

content warning discourse thoughts (251 words) 

1. Needing content warnings isn't a white thing and it's not as simple as "mental illness = yes, not = no". Some people need any given CW, some people don't. Some people, it's more a spectrum - too much un-CWed stuff, and the fediverse stops being a place they can inhabit.

2. Instance admins designing codes of conduct set CW rules for their instances. Within our instance's rules (hopefully), we individually decide what principles we follow for our own posts and boosts. Those principles are things we decide based on:

- what we /can/ do (some people can't CW consistently! it happens and it doesn't mean they should be punished!),
- what we can live with ourselves doing (I am never going to treat the word 'queer' as something that needs a content warning - it feels like reversing the reclaiming of a word I need, and I can't do that), and
- what we want to do to accommodate others.

That balance is gonna be different for everyone. We can talk about what we want as a community - I'm a big fan of as a starting point - and we can talk to people who actually know us about what we need from them, but after a point it just becomes "their account, their choice" and we mute, filter, block, or unfollow.

...that's it, that's where I stand.

If the United States was conquered by the Russians, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Elliott Abrams and the rest of them would probably be working for the invaders, sending people off to concentration camps. They're the right personality types.
-- Noam Chomsky

#anarchism #quote #bot

re: Holding someone accountable 

@Motodrachen Ugh, wow. That' (I took Are0h out of the tag due to Pyretta potentially using this as an excuse to attack more)

privilege aint this hard switch thats either on or off and thats that. its a fluid concept because its as socially constructed as the rest of the hierarchical system. thats why intersectionality even became a topic, because those other intersections impact the response to all of the specters assigned to you.

“bi women aren’t queer enough, femme women blend in too much to really experience lesbophobia, nonbinary people can just stealth”

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"I don't take sides" is taking sides.

"I don't have spoons to deal with this, I'm going to go away" is not the same thing as saying you don't take sides.

If you need to step away, do. Take care of you and your community.

Hello, My name is Vickie, or as others know me as Heffboom Konijn. I'm a transgender female who is having transition surgery this Christmas.

I have created a Gofundme as I need financial help to survive until I return to work in March.

Please ReTweet/share on any social media *hugs*

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Awoo Space is a Mastodon instance where members can rely on a team of moderators to help resolve conflict, and limits federation with other instances using a specific access list to minimize abuse.

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