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Twitter; transphobia in pic; actually a good response from Mark Hamill though 

Not like J.K. herself and her PR people being all "woopsie she had a middle age moment~" only for her to now be full on "I Stand with Maya".

Gee I wonder why trans people smelled the transphobia on her since 2018?

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More author transphobia 

Richard Morgan, of "Altered Carbon", apparently a TERF.

This is one of those moments when we see who comes out in support of whom. I don't have the spoons to keep track of all of them, but this is one.

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I feel like society doesn't talk enough about how /being helped by someone else/ is, itself, work.

Like, even leaving aside ways that "help" can be unhelpful or actively harmful, it's /work/ to articulate the necessary details of a situation, interpret the questions and answers others have, and coordinate efforts to bring about a solution. Even if the person helping is contributing the bulk of the work, it is still work for the person being helped.

I bring it up because I feel like there's a real potential for upset and confusion and frustration when people don't realize that. There are a lot of reasons why someone might turn down or even get upset at whoever is trying to help them, and one of them is not having the capacity to do the being-helped work.

reminder that i look really, really hot in button downs (selfie, no ec, boosts great!)

re: terfs, legal (++), maya forstater case and JK Rowling 

(posted this elsewhere but worth stating because they're trying to highjack the narrative of what this case was about)

I think it's worth highlighting the very relevant paragraph 86 of the judgement

"There is nothing to stop the Claimant campaigning against the proposed revision to the Gender Recognition Act to be based more on self-identification. She is entitled to put forward her opinion that these should be some spaces that are limited to women assigned female at birth where it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. However, that does not mean that her absolutist view that sex is immutable is a protected belief for the purposes of the EqA. The Claimant can legitimately put forward her arguments about the importance of some safe spaces that are only be available to women identified female at birth, without insisting on calling trans women men"

JK Rowling isn't defending free speech, because Forstater's right to free speech was never in question. Rowling is advocating for the right of bigots to engage in harassment and create hostile and degrading work environments

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If I am too trans for you to respect when:
- I don't shave
- Before/early hormones
- Hair is shorter
- Flamboyantly &/or skimpily dressed

I'm too trans for you now fuck off

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More shocking videos emerging from Mangalore

A cop asks another one to stop shooting but other cops ask him to continue as "not even one has fallen, let one fall down at-least"

Was there any need to shoot? State Govt hasn't yet even ordered an enquiry!

MH (+) 

Smiling to the point of tears. It feels really good that the reception and feedback for my coming out as nb has been so positive.

hey so. with JK shit. the scottish government has issued a consultation on the gender recognition act and the big fight for us here currently is to abolish so-called "reflection periods" etc and push through proper, humane gender recognition. jk rowling herself is a resident of edinburgh, scotland, so if you're stinging from her doubling down on what we already knew, here is a way you can channel that energy (as far as i know u dont need to be scottish to do this)

TERFs, Conservatives 

A lot of TERFy authors coming out of the woodwork after the election, huh?

Says a lot. :thinkhappy:

Shout-out to all the trans girls who are too depressed to shave, brush their hair, or do makeup every day, even if they'd like to.
You're all beautiful and perfect and I love you.

Nazi YouTubers 

Wasn't PewDiePie taking a break from YouTube? Why am I seeing his mug on the frontpage from 46 minutes ago? :blobwaitwhat:

The revolution will not be televised.

Nor will it be authorised, centralised, compromised or colonised.

It may be improvised. Even idealised.

It will be criticised and jeopardised. Sometimes vandalised.

The revolution will not be demoralised.

I'm glad people are realizing that being a furry and having a fursona is actually really cool

Political praxis 

You know, when people think of political activism, and antifa, they almost always conjure up images of riots and fights breaking out, and angry freedom fighters getting their fists out to pummel the fash.

While that is true, and also good praxis, it is also a small, very glamourous part of a much bigger picture, one that differentiates us from the opponents we fight; We think about what comes after.

We think about what happens when the fight is over. We think about surviving and taking care of our own during periods where it seems we are losing or will never end this fight. We think about how we can impress upon regular folk why the fight is important, and we think of ways we can fight back outside of the visceral clash of a heated protest.

It is important to remember that Fascism is the apotheosis of the problems that are systemic in nature, and it draws its power from the people trapped, both willingly or otherwise, in it. The gilded cages of capitalism is certainly attractive to most, and demotivates people from seeing beyond their bounds.

That is why the best way to fight back, is to make sure that people don't have to depend on the system to survive. Volunteering in shelters, in soup kitchens, donating to orphanages, doing charity drives and other similar actions also help.

That is not to say don't punch a nazi, because holy shit, we aren't doing that enough. I am saying, it isn't the only thing we should be thinking about.

people being awful and where hope dies (abuse and bigotry mentions) re: TERFs, celebrities (--) 

I tried to be low-key and nonjudgmental and non-"saw that coming" when posting the above because ... well, I held out hope for a long time that my mom would apologize for the trans-hostility and trans-erasure she threw at me after I came out. I had lots of reasons not to hope, but I hoped.

...until the day when she drew me into confronting her on that and she reacted by going on the offensive.

I knew the probabilities were horrid, but that was the moment I opened Schrödinger's box and saw the waveform collapse.

Rowling just opened Schrödinger's box on her TERFdom. The probabilities have been bad for years, but this is gonna be the moment hope dies for a lot of people.

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