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I'm down to two hours. I'm worried so fucking much about ending up on the street, which would still be fatal for me in my immunocompromised state. Please help and anything at all really does help


LRB: If you know of any way to help out, don't hesitate to reach out to xem.

i want to see capitalists deploying their brutes to physically drag people back into offices to work. splay it out. lay the rot at the core bare. don't let them put the costume back on.

there's capitalist blood in the water. they're really desperate. you can see it in the propaganda being pumped out daily, the 100,000 reasons why being in an office is ~~~~better~~~~ than working from home.

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Here is a go fund me for the No Evictions Network for phone top ups and legal support. Currently £2k off a £15k target.

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esp when those people they keep coming after are BIPOC professionals. their parents didnt teach them manners but they did teach them how to harass, bully, and discredit anyone browner than they are. whew.

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had my first interaction with a wild gen z (read: white terminally online teenager) online and gleaned a lot from a single statement. "Mind my business? This is social media."

i know i bitch and complain about being tossed into cotillion and "social skills" classes as a kid because they are inherently classist and ableist and racist but these wild ass white children need to be taught how to behave. "you put this online so now your entire life is my business" is a hell of a way to try and interact with people.


I am really not doing well at all. And the worst part is, I don't even know how to begin asking for help.

I finally got over my internalized guilt about asking for help, and I ended up not being able to anyways because of how little of a voice I have left.

MH (---) 

Honestly I just want to burn this entire fucking diseased capitalist system to the ground, and all the maggots that feed on it with it.


Yeah, you who I just blocked. Fuck you too, fucking stalking piece of shit. Don't think I don't know who you are, and why you're following me.


Honestly, just fuck humanity, it's all fake ass people giving broken promises, and stabbing you in the back as soon as you become an obstacle to them.


Fuck abusive people, and fuck this abusive capitalist system.

Just fuck everything, I can't even ask for help for my family because I don't even have a voice. Because social media is overrun with fascists who target us.

Fuck the postfurry community who not only enabled the person who stranded my girlfriend halfway across the country, and dying of chronic illnesses with no medical insurance or HRT, but also spread hurtful lies about the one person who stood by us while the rest of the world abandons their principles to go with what's easy.

And especially fuck everyone who took advantage of the Grimaude family and abandoned us when we needed support the most.

When are we going to get our break, when are we going to stop being stuck with abusers who take advantage of us? When are we going to finally get the community help we so desperately need?

re: MH | Self care cope (--) 

I think I'll start by playing Enter the Gungeon

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re: MH | Self care cope (--) 

Okay, managed to get Shadow Warrior 2, Enter the Gungeon, Metal Wold Chaos XD and Katana ZERO on sale.

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MH | Self care cope (--) 

Fuck this, I am gonna shower then get a steam card and treat myself.

I really need a pick me up, and three of the folks that make Val up do too.

MH (---) 

Val just spiralled into dark thoughts of herself being betrayed by close friends and had fractured back into her former subsystem members. That last event dealing with that chud was more traumatic for her then we thought.

I am going to be taking over as temporary host until this resolves. I love you all. xxx


As I went from lower paying jobs to higher paying ones, I've found that the chance of joining a company that enforces mandatory drug testing decreased.

I'm now wondering if mandatory drug testing exists simply to punish the poor, make getting out of poverty harder.

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