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rape, violence 

It is, in fact, perfectly morally acceptable to kill rapists

"This right here is exactly what’s going on with the Wizard game and why so many LGBTQ people are calling y’all out. You’re here for the party, not the protest."


#LGBT #Transphobia #Homophobia #Allies

meta, on community 

There has never been a single unified "trans community." Any gathering of trans people large enough will inevitably fracture when someone turns out to be shit and the people with principles leave. The sooner you learn this and grow yourself some principles, the better.

If you don't want this to happen to your community, active, swift, firm, and unforgiving removal of known bad actors *and their enablers* from your circles is required. Swing the banhammer hard and often.

gender euphoria thoughts 

This applies to all manner of physical and mental ableness, too.

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gender euphoria thoughts 

I think it's super neat that you can have each of "my fursona/OC is biologically my trans gender and is either aggressively traditionally attractive or more average presentation," "my fursona/OC is just as trans and flawed as myself, or more able to gender express than myself," and "my fursona/OC can do all kinds of wild sex and/or gender related stuff that's not humanly possible" and they're all equally valid and accepted means of pursuing gender euphoria.

psychology of trauma etc 

I recognise an old self in traumatised people acting righteous and hyper-vigilant, and think about how I behaved that way until someone very generous to me said, ‘you can just forgive yourself for being in the way of harm. you don’t have to forgive the other person, just accept they behaved that way, and forgive yourself that you were unable to move away in time’ and as soon as I heard that I realised that it’s to do with a grudge against yourself and not people who harm

A tool's worth is directly proportional to how effectively it can be used to fuck up a Nazi.

This is why the Wii U Gamepad is the best thing we've ever been able to make out of computers.

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praxis thoughts about hogwarts legacy meta 

realizing this is the kind of passionate moral context that harassers could latch onto as justification for violence, so, for our own clarity:

we don't want this game to be normal

we don't want people buying and playing antisemitic stories

we don't want to strengthen the weight of that "beloved creator" image that JKR uses to enact trans genocide

we don't want anyone to tell us that blood libel simulator 2023 is a wonderful game by a wonderful TERF


we're not interested in hurting people

but we want everyone to know what Hogwarts Legacy is a legacy of is a nice roundup

- 🎒

Good morning to all pro-Black anti-colonial anti-fash sweetie pies ilu :sparkling_heart_black_trans: Cops eat shit

RT @tha_rami
If I had a genie & three wishes I'd wish for a just & fair world with all that entails, the genie to be free, and for games industry streamers to be unable to communicate in any way any statement that is borne from their overconfidence in their knowledge about the industry

Brianna Ghey; vigil; anti-trans violence; :boosts_ok_gay: 

Worth noting that the vigil has been covered by the local mainstream press, so please do take care while attending, wear masks and leave in groups.

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Brianna Ghey; vigil; anti-trans violence; :boosts_ok_gay: 

#Manchester #Trans Rise Up have called a vigil for Brianna Ghey in Sackville Gardens at 7pm on Weds 15th Feb 2023.

"We will be meeting in Sackville Gardens on Wednesday to come together as a community to mourn Brianna Ghey's death. We hope you will join us in marking her passing and showing respect for her tragically short life."

#LGBT :boosts_ok_gay:

Stupid Harry Potter game 

Trans people aren't exercised about the game, or JKR. I don't give a fuck about either. Does buying, playing, and promoting the game support and enable a virulent transphobe? Yes. Does it matter in the larger battle for trans liberation? Not really.

The problem is that trans folks have said "Hey, there is this really simple thing that you can do to support us - it really takes zero effort on your part."

And the response from many cis people has been a temper tantrum. The bar is SO LOW, but ya'll always bring a shovel. If this is the response to something SO TRIVIAL, we know you will never have our backs otherwise.

If you cannot see bigotry or discrimination without slurs then you do not have enough understanding to participate in the conversation. You are not safe to be around.

You need to go and learn about how this stuff manifests because otherwise you will continue to enact it.

The people going "no that's not a problem! I don't see the issue!" are a large part of the problem and why it persists.

HRT Anniversary! :alicehearttrans: (partial nudity, NSFW but not lewd) 

It's not *quite* the day yet, but I'm coming up on my second HRT anniversary!

What made me decide to start transitioning was being able to *see* what was possible, knowing that I could achieve that myself was all it took for me. Being a closeted trans woman in the middle of Texas keeps you isolated from info about most things LGBTQ+. I don't want that experience for anyone else.

Therefore, my part in remedying that is to share a series of pictures of myself throughout my journey. Here are pictures of me every month since I started*, minus about 8 months, since I lost those due to a drive corruption a few months back. I've also included a couple of side-by-sides for direct comparison. (left to right: first week, first year, present)

Please boost and/or share this to your heart's content. I want nothing more than for this to reach anyone who really needs to see it. :alicehearttrans:

Server Meta 

It is safe to say that if they had any involvement in Monads, Elekk or Myasstodon, or the "nightcrew" you should block them on sight.

A few more steps forward with Morgan — we've got a proper nameplate now, which I think helps a lot. The new background is "Rue de Village" by Frank Edwin Scott, and it's part of the massive collection of art the Smithsonian put in the public domain. I think that might be a worthy place to explore for backgrounds.

Meta, racism 

It's way too common of a pattern on here for like, someone to be hurt or some harm done, and then the people being accused of doing this jump right to damage control, but specifically about making sure no one sees them as bad.

And a lot of times this takes the form of saying that what was claimed didn't really happen, or nitpicking every detail of the claim and disputing them. Instead of going, hey someone was hurt. Let's reach out to them and try to fix it and also figure out what we can do to make it not happen again.

I mean people have been saying this forever: people are more concerned about not being seen as racist than about whether they're actually being racist and enacting racism

I am officially deceased after reading this Wall Street deli owner's response to the question of whether he asks his customers for stock tips:

Still angry abt that trans women at stonewall marriage post 

The ppl rioting at stonewall did not give a fuck about marriage they just wanted the cops to stop beating them and all their friends up when they went out!!!!

The ppl who cared about marriage and respectability politics kicked radical trans women sex workers like Sylvia Rivera out bc they didn’t want to be associated with “””street people “””

Begging ppl to learn some queer history

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