@starryblush@witches.town @typhlosion @shoofle ...you just said what I was trying to compose, but better <3
@typhlosion @starryblush@witches.town @shoofle @starkatt congrats :) you're a postfurry!
@typhlosion @Fuego Well, which build do you want to aim for, 'shiny service-bot', 'betentacled ocean-friend', or 'glowy rave-toy'?
@typhlosion @Fuego Well, that's okay, arguably pokefurs are postfurry BY DEFAULT, see part 3 of my seven-part medium thinkpiece on the subject.
i think i'll just do my usual thing and maybe not treat these kinds of ideas as a full creed so much as take what interests me and hack on it til it feels more like me
will probably keep you all posted if any of the resulting changes in my self-identification and behavior are actually things i recognize
@typhlosion @Fuego Hmm, that sounds like "doing postfurry" to me. ^.^
@typhlosion @indi I identify as "ditzy bitch that hates technology" so there's a big range.
@typhlosion @indi you are so on my wavelength. I write kernel exploits for a living. It's like invoking horrors.
@typhlosion @indi I... also have all of those things...
@Fuego @typhlosion Yeah I think @Fuego hates computers like a miner hates rocks: "There's too fucking much of it all around me and it could collapse and kill us all" ;)
@typhlosion @Fuego "...And I have to work on it all day ANYWAY"
@indi @typhlosion cantankerous-miner-sona
@indi @typhlosion and yet I still trek into he mines every day :/
@Fuego @typhlosion Seconded. ^.^