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tumblr sale 

1. Wow, that’s a big drop from what Verizon paid. I hope the Wordpress folks treat the service better.

2. Folks are pointing out that Tumblr just sold for the price of a two bedroom in SF, and I just... 🙃

Goldkin boosted

re: alttp randomizer 

I guess if I was going to get a sub-2 (in-game time), caneless with all the long dungeons skipped is the way it would happen.

Also lampless until the very end, because sure, why not. @..@

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Goldkin boosted

alttp randomizer 

Better of two seeds from this evening. Includes a five minute break to feed the cat.

The seed put the bow deep into a pendant Turtle Rock, but then gave me GT's big key in the very first chest.

Filename is because I used Bowser this time.

Goldkin boosted

monsterfuckery feat gigan 

Excuse me???? This is Gigan??? They decided to do this to me?

I am in love with that phallic ass tail and pose!!! Might have to steal it for a drawing one day 👀​

uspol, dark, long, probably speculative 

I wrote something to vent how I feel after this week. Feel free to steal it when you talk to your own MoCs or to otherwise put it to a good cause. Please don't read it if you're hurting this week and can't handle things yet.

I'm not sure whether to post this up in a petition, because I am a coward and am not sure I'm ready to try that without a plan for backlash.


To Senators and Members of Congress,

We know that for you, in this moment, it's about your judges, and about your donors, and about retaining power. We hear you loud and clear.

But I beg of you, this cannot go on forever. You know this, or you would not be working so hard to maintain your narrative over your collective bases. And you know exactly how much this will hurt your donors and those that keep you in power.

Climate change is real. You know this too, or you would not be so strongly on message for and against it. This president is stoking racist and xenophobic violence all across this nation and the world, choosing in this moment of international pain to show force against the defenseless. You may have made your peace with that, too, thinking that this too will pass as the public moves on. And you may be thinking forward in your careers, to a time you can retire to a quiet job or farm off yonder and never need to think about this again.

But the window in which we will even _have_ a future is closing. While you're out mingling with your donors, the planet is not getting any less saturated by carbon emission. The man in the White House is not getting any better, nor is he any less deterred from what he believes will be his deniable final solution, made possible by borders enforced by cruelty and guns, and by runaway greenhouse effects that will kill millions. All while his home-grown white supremacist army continues to discriminately terrorize and kill his political enemies. You too will become his target when you cease to be useful. You know this, too, as you've seen it daily.

And so I ask you, are you comfortable with abetting what will amount to genocide, on a scale this planet has yet to know? Do you really think that everything will just return to normal, as it did after Vietnam or the Gulf War or Iraq, and that you will be able to retire happily for some future government to clean this all up? Do you think that you might safely escape to somewhere untouched and pristine while the rest of the world burns?

I call on you -- all of you -- to end this. Protect our future. If you cannot do that, then I call on you to protect _your_ future, as it will inevitably align with humanity's, as the seas rise and the planet begins to heal itself without caring for humanity. You will not escape what is coming; none of us will.

Stand up and be counted, or we will do everything in our power to replace you. And should that not be sufficient, then it is only a matter of time before our planet renders you meaningless.

Goldkin boosted

Birdsite, transhumanism, seeing body parts replaced with cybernetic 

Gosh, I ❤ this sort of visualization tech.

alttp randomizer 

(Regular open mode, pardon.)

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alttp randomizer 

Progress! (standard open mode, random sword placement)

I taught myself how to play on my phone while traveling. Controller play is just a wee bit easier than a touchscreen.

Goldkin boosted
Goldkin boosted

After briefly taking them down after the small Seattle quake, the dragons are back up (and secured with museum putty):

uspol, direct action 

Apparently there’s a browser plugin (Greenhouse) that started to mine these data. More work could be done to make these data easier to process.

It would be really cool if someone figured out a way to go from donation data to organization name and exposed that data in page content, say.

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uspol, direct action 

Reminder that the FEC tracks donations to political candidates and PACs, including those operated by the NRA. Listings are down to the individual, including organizations they’re affiliated with:

ProPublica has a convenient itemizer here, which links to useful filings, known dark money, and known graft:

For those with the means, it might be worth searching orgs you buy from to see if you should take your business elsewhere.

Goldkin boosted

tbh the rimworld dragon mod is just Good.

they've got these rounded lowdetailish art that fits really well in the rimworld art style and I love it. All the non-"true dragon"s share this one art, just palette swapped, and the true dragons get one with extended wings that's significantly bigger.

Also they're combat mounts and Very Intelligent, all of them. Some of them are harder to train due to being "wild" races (the true and silver are both examples of this) while some are much more domesticated breeds that are much easier to train and tame, but they're all exceptionally, incredibly intelligent. I swear Haley's smarter than a couple of my colonists.

Goldkin boosted
Goldkin boosted

Please play my RPG titled My RPG!!, a game about adventurers, different worlds, and their creators.

cool projects, birdsite link 

Best comment: “is this like the bread your mummy used to make?”

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