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acnh, mini review, ramble 

The most bizarre thing is my villagers never want to play hide and seek, buried treasure, item trading quests, or to compete in ad-hoc fishing contests or bug-offs. Those apparently exist, but in the whole time I've only had them happen twice.

Are these uncommon in anyone else's game, or did they really tone down the frequency a lot?

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acnh, mini review, ramble 

One thing I'm hoping for is that they expand the island tours feature.

It existed in earlier games in the form of short minigames and a permanent mini island you could decorate, and those were neat. There's also a ton of potential for more interesting islands and to expand on Photopia (the Cyrus and Reese event has been cute, if a bit repetitive since it lasts all month). So hopefully those will pad things out a bit.

Also, villagers can do minigames, but it's rare now?

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acnh, mini review, ramble 

Which I think is a concession that this is a good Animal Crossing for busy people. Everything is streamlined and compact, points of interest and decisions are heavily telegraphed and deliberate, but there really isn't a whole lot going on yet.

I guess I dunno if I'll stick with it. I did full year cycles in Wild World and New Leaf, and grew pretty attached to my villagers. This feels like more of a cardboard cutout of the experience, but I still love them to bits. 💜

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acnh, mini review 

This is all to say, I think things get better from here, but the current release needs work I think.

I still enjoy it. I still love checking in with my villagers, building little sets for Cyrus and Reese, and overall decorating and making pretty things.

But the experience is much more staid, and it's really strange. Previous games had many more events, villagers would share more random slices of life, whereas everything here is purposeful and deliberate.

And it's _weird_.

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acnh, mini review 

Nintendo has promised a ton of DLC, and I'm kind of hoping they follow through. New Leaf: Welcome Amiibo added a ton of quality of life things (that are missing from New Horizons for some reason, like sitting on rocks), and it's conceivable we'll get such a "service pack" here.

The event calendar is bizarrely empty, and the rotating carousel of visitors isn't sustainable right now when many of the visitors had dedicated shops previously.

The UI, flatly, needs improvement.

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acnh, mini review 

So after a few months of daily play, I think I've arrived at an opinion of the new game. Like the sea bass, it's strictly a C+ compared to other games in the series, as things stand today.

New players have wondered if there's more to do in the game, and in previous games, there were. You could play NES games in the first AC, draw constellations in Wild World, visit the city in City Folk, and swim, brew coffee for villagers, and visit a nightclub in New Leaf. But not here, yet.

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i designed a fursona for a game console 

look ive just been thinking about ps5 synth dragon a lot ok :dragnconfused:

not polished but ive already spent way too long on this lol

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vr game shitposting, mild spoilers 

The game wants me to escort the lawn gnome from Half-Life 2 (Episode 2) to the end of the game for an achievement. Instead, I have developed a parental bond for the game's sole floppy disk, and am determined to carry it to the ending credits.

Also, why does no computer in the game have an A: drive?

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vr game shitposting 

Valve: This is Half-Life: Alyx. Here's an epic, narrative-driven story that is completely immersive, with intricately woven story bits through the whole experience.

Me: *spends 45 minutes in the starting area drawing dragons on a glass partition; stacks milk cartons; reads labels off of everything; shakes water bottles to listen to the liquid slosh around inside; daintily holds a tea cup; makes a fork slingshot; tosses said fork past a story NPC to see what happens* Story?

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uspol, queer issues, supreme court

In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court has decided in a 6-3 ruling that queer workers *cannot* be fired for their sexual orientation. A similar ruling on transgender protections is expected soon.

section 1557, original source link, call to action 

Here's the exact language that was changed according to HHS:

A good summary of the impact:

This will not go into effect for at least 60 days. If you can, please call your state and federal electeds to raise visibility and help them fast track relevant legislation to block this.

Goldkin boosted

Shit what the CHAZ needs 

Please donate and bring this shit to the CHAZ in Seattle

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there are creatures out here who are just like, fuckin pupy or dragn or birb or meow or all sorts of cool things and i think that's rad as hell

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seapol, protests 

Twitler is threatening violence in Seattle tonight (, within an hour of reporting in NYT that lethal ammo stockpiles existed last week during the DC protests (paywalled source, sorry):

The phrase "to be used on American citizens in case of emergency" is chilling AF and is hopefully editorializing. Regardless, please stay safe out there and double check your exit strategies just in case.

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voksa facts: sleeps curled up into impossible shapes like a ferret

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voksa facts 2: occasionally tries and fails to sleep in a bed

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I love all of you. Stay strong, Stay safe, and please stay together.

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uspol, hope, long read 

In the spirit of this, I'm going to reach out to the head of HR who, 8 years ago, showed me empathy during a corporate coup where I then-worked. I think we all need to hear at this time that (1) even the small acts of rebellion matter and (2) people do remember them.

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