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brazilpol, request for help for friends that need it 

This is a long shot, but if anyone here knows how to seek expedited immigration or asylum from Brazil into the EU, that information is urgently needed by friends of mine.

Capsule version: they have credible fear or persecution and harm under Bolsonaro, and any information that can get them out of harms way as they try to flee would be incredibly valuable right now.

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A Greek shipwreck dating back to the 5th century BCE has been found in the Black Sea off the coast of Bulgaria. It's the oldest intact shipwreck ever found: #archaeology #classics

birdsite, news mention 

Apparently the pipe bomb guy had a Twitter presence, and he regularly spammed threats at people before sending his (thankfully intercepted) packages. Twitter took zero action until he made the news, and have only now suspended his account.

Remind me again what the point of their guidelines are if they only use them to perform damage control?

I’m glad no one got hurt, and at this point, I want to get as many people off of Twitter and onto Masto as possible.

re: Nimbatus 

Update: I need to build better missiles. The current design is hilarious, but it has trouble with anything with high mass or momentum.

Also, I lost the finals of a simulated tournament because... someone uploaded a blatantly illegal weapons bot? I’m guessing the game has a few bugs to sort out in its validator, but everything else has been okay so far.

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It's not too late to choose one of these AI-generated costumes. Toaster Boy? Vampire Chick Shark?

This is my first NYT op-ed and I am so excited.

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I got a surprise art of Zenith blepping in a paper towel roll!

It's perfect :P

( artist's upload: )


I like how Nimbatus’ sumo mode, like most robot dueling games, has a rock-paper-scissors structure to its bot designs.

Paper: boost infinitely to push the other bot off the arena.
Scissors: Step to the left or right, causing pushbots to miss and fly off the arena.
Rock: do absolutely nothing, other than stay in the arena as it shrinks.

There’s also shotgun: craft missiles and chaff with any strategy.

So I wrote a bot that runs scissors, fires paper missiles, then turns into a rock.

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human rights, trans rights, us pol mention 

I think I've finally figured out the, like, core cause of my distaste towards transphobia in general and the leaked memo in particular.

Gender issues is one of the last bastions of birthright caste systems in our society. There's probably a real word, but what I mean is, like, you're born into X, your role is X, you will die as X because you are X kinda thing.

Moving away from apprenticeships, feudalism, slavery, etc., has done wonders to fight that in many aspects of life, expanding (say it with me now) equality of opportunity to a greater and greater population. Expanding the human right of self-determination.

The memo, and transphobic pushes in general, are people crying for the old system, when people were born into certain roles and "knew their place".Well, pardon my English, but fuck that, and fuck them. Self-determination is a goddamn human right.

Hopefully we'll soon have a society where it's a universal right.

games I am playing 

Also, the fact the acronym is DRG is also a nice perk. 🐲

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games I am playing 

I’d been trying to find a game that had exploration elements with other people, and this fits the bill nicely, even with the shootman game elements. Randoms have been pleasant to play with, which is a big plus.

I don’t know why there are so few newer co-op go-explore-a-big-random-area games beyond Minecraft clones and Warframe, for whatever reason. Maybe it’s because of want for a gameplay loop that’s engaging, and DRG manages it quite well.

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games I am playing 

After finding comfortable stopping points in Nimbatus (2D Kerbal meets Battlebots) and My Time at Portia (Harvest Moon meets crafting puzzles), I picked up Deep Rock Galactic and... I did not know I needed this game.

It co-op somewhere between L4D, Aliens, Minecraft, and Douglas Adams or Sir Terry Pratchett. The gameplay is 4 dwarves doing their mining thing as variable waves of bugs try to give them a very hard time. And this is just, to them, “another day at the office”.

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@rak Henlo I'm a witchy druidy dragon ✨plush✨ :D

Witchy dragons are excellent dragons!!!

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zombie dragon 

A spooky boy ready for #halloween!

This is the first of a bunch of halloweeny dergs I plan on drawing to get into the spirit of the season. Next up - a witch dragon, probably! (suggestions welcome)

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It's a gift from @typhlosion (love her) by @scoliwings (comm them)

i look so lovely

I apologize that I’ve kind of pulled way back from everyone, especially compared to how I used to use birdsite. Know that I genuinely care, even if I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and had to scale back to keep myself together.

I’m hopeful that I’ll eventually have enough emotional spoons again to return to my old routines. But in the meantime, thank you for being here and thank you for continuing to be you. 💜

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Queer fantasy romance and co-op videogames have been extremely grounding through the current strife and insanity. It’s been very calming and valuable to spend time in worlds that make sense and care about my involvement, when the rest of the world feels off-axis.

I’ve been going back through Sythyry’s Journal and A Marriage of Insects, which are particularly good. Silly builder games have also been enough structure for me to feel safe and included, which I’ve kind of badly needed.

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fax the HHS / us pol 

You can find the fax number o your regional office of the civil rights division of the Department of Health and Human Services here:

Faxing or sending snail mail is better than emailing because it leaves physical traces and it can be seen piling up.

You can fax them for free by uploading a pdf to

uspol (-), solidarity 

They are coming after every vulnerable population they think they can get away with. These are actual, real trial balloons for fascism that will erase people and will not stop until we throw these people out of power, ensuring the costs are so high they never try again.

Please support your trans and NB friends today, especially if they need to take a break from all of this. Please vote. And please fight this if you can. Because they’re not going to stop unless we stop them.

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