please note you can sing "we're loud we're proud we're here" to the "Klingon Battle" theme by Jerry Goldsmith #qapla
spending all of Annie Lennox's video for "Walking on Broken Glass" cheering things like QUICK SPEND A BLOOD POINT AND USE YOUR 3 DOTS IN DOMINATE or DON'T COMMIT DIABLERIE RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PRINCE
... awww see she threw a hissy fit strong enough to win back the John Malkovich character and she didn't even need to commit diablerie right in front of the Prince!
okay so the intense squeaking noises suggested my upstairs neighbors were in bed fucking, except after 30 seconds that turned into naw, they're possibly practicing aikido, then for about 2 solid minutes the unmistakable sound of someone playing with a doorstop. Now it's just ordinary boring stomping like any neighbors might make.
@kurgarru Hey, I don't suppose you're stateside again, by any chance? A local acquaintance has been making noises about wanting to hire a proficient carpenter for a project.
Lots of random gunk, but some drawings and cooking talk too. Obsesses about DnD and related topics. Left-leaning/profoundly frustrated politics. Black lives matter; trans rights are human rights.
Occasionally NSFW art and discussion, please do follow if you're 18+.