urge to cut loose with this really angry rant about the usual stuff
instead; I started re-reading LotR for the first time in years. I used to be one of those people who religiously re-read it annually. I remember as a kid hating the slow buildup and wanting Tolkien to get to Good Bits ASAP. Now I actually really like him slowly introducing this fantasy place, slowly suggesting there's more going on than just a wonderful hobbit party and a mysterious ring left from Bilbo's great adventure.
long, food stuff
background to today's cooking frenzy; my Mom's mobility keeps her mostly housebound, my Dad became her caretaker, I visit them regularly as mostly emotional support. Typically I'll go somewhere with Dad so he's got someone to talk to while out, then hang out around dinner so Mom feels wanted too.
Yesterday some of going places with Dad was getting huge produce at a farmer's market.
Today I roasted a huge fennel bulb, added half the big radishes to existing pickles, used the rest with most of the lettuce in salads for lunch and later this week (also used remaining shallots from Thursday), made a big pot of curry (not stuff from the farmer's market), and used the oven to use up a few remaining fish fillets as the rest of lunch.
TBH the semantics are part of this. Instead of autocorrect my case example had been phone camera adjusting focus and F stop - profoundly useful, until it isn't. Call it machine learning and it sounds like a tool.
Calling it AI obfuscates this, makes it from the future of rounded featured robots which walk your dog and maintain your lawn, not from a present of C-levels cutting jobs, paying more money for your Adobe subscription, and of course environmental destruction.
in my dream I inadvertantly cheated on my ex, and we broke up again (we actually broke up because she wanted kids and I didn't, but our emotions weren't that simple and each of us really fucked the other up entirely too much)
this is definitely part of how my worldview has been shifting again, but I still feel terrible.
I really really need to buy more stuff from artists I like. It's not like the pros aren't strapped for money too, and it's not like I don't like art books.
I guess I keep worrying that now that I'm not constantly pouring money into living in a studio in north Seattle, car, health or losing work will eat all the money - something which combines the CPTSD baggage of "some adult always has a reason I can't get what I want and it'll be too much my fault or oh-SO-obviously a normal necessary thing."
“You know, dinosaurs really never ruled the earth. When you look at distribution, duration and sheer biomass what actually rules the earth are fungi.
“Welcome… to Mycelial Park!”
da DA doo da da dee
dee doo da dum da doodadee DAHHHH
Lots of random gunk, but some drawings and cooking talk too. Obsesses about DnD and related topics. Left-leaning/profoundly frustrated politics. Black lives matter; trans rights are human rights.
Occasionally NSFW art and discussion, please do follow if you're 18+.