last week i missed a few days of work due to favouring other interviews
with that ill be short this thursday when i get my next paycheck to extend my nights at the airbnb and i need help
cashapp: https://cash.app/$fairydoctor
paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=VKAHDZ5WY7VRN
kofi: https://ko-fi.com/fairydoctor
Went to the nearest park, and once I got past the really REALLY bright lights there the aurora was far more obvious. The colors and shifts in it were far less obvious without the camera, but I could still see them. I decided against walking to 7-11 and by the time I got back to my apartment it was largely no longer visible from my apartment - so I think it really was most visible from here at 10:50-11:30.
Okay, I can *kinda* see it from here if I look due north - first time I spotted it was a VERY slight distort, it seems to have been more active about 5-10 minutes ago, I initially thought I was seeing the milky way which would be pretty unusual here. I can pick up on some green with naked eye but this is all WAY more vivid with iPhone camera, which sadly doesn't take great photos tho I told myself I wouldn't photograph if I saw it, hopefully I haven't messed up
mh stuff
Lately I've been getting hit more often by the realization that my buttons are being pressed and naturally I feel MISERABLE,
such that not only might reality be a lot less obnoxious (just harsh),
but also, for most of 18 years my buttons were being pressed ALL THE DAMN TIME, this recursive loop of bullshit which made it impossible to feel like I had a chance of ever getting anything better, enough that horrible self hate was enough of an explanation/distraction that it actually FELT BETTER.
okay this is cool. Mandarin is kinda logical, so people from Deguo speak dewen, people from Faguo speak fawen,etc. Naturally I want to say which languages I *can* sorta understand so... people for Russia, EYUOSI, speak EYU. And similarly everyone in immediate contact with China (riben, hanguo, yuenan) has older forms. Equivalent to how the Russian for China and Chinese -kitai/kitaiskii - reflects an empire which hasn't existed for over a thousand years.
Lots of random gunk, but some drawings and cooking talk too. Obsesses about DnD and related topics. Left-leaning/profoundly frustrated politics. Black lives matter; trans rights are human rights.
Occasionally NSFW art and discussion, please do follow if you're 18+.