mh (-)
Going downhill fast. Back as I can cope.
mh (-)
@Momentrabbit *hughughug* Vent lines are open 24/7*.
(*in imperial units, can never keep track of the metric equivalent ;) <3 )
@Momentrabbit *hugs tightly* you have aways been there for me when my Mh was at its lowest. you have my support when ever you need it dear
mh (-)
*Hugs softly*
I shall be waiting with open arms and pneumatic implements.
mh (-)
@Momentrabbit best of luck. Hugs if wanted!
mh (-)
@Momentrabbit Hugs, warmth, and wishes for you bunfriend. Please be well, and take care of yourself.
mh (-)
@Momentrabbit good luck rabbit