Thoughts about collars.
Every safety regulation is written in somebody's blood. As such, there are Procedures. They are essential when working in an asynchronous, non-collaborative manner on complex tightly-coupled systems.
To prevent accidentally powering up a circuit which somebody else may be working on, LOTO evolved: Lock Out Tag Out.
It is giving me... *ideas*.
Thoughts about collars.
@Momentrabbit .....well damn, that's speaking my language right there.
Yeah, it would be pretty hot to have a tag/lock labeled like that attached to my collar. *Blush*
Thoughts about collars.
@Momentrabbit The geekiest way to lock a chastity device. ;P
Thoughts about collars.
@Momentrabbit Also can be played straight for robot/cyborg bondage.
(Day job: Jen the mechanic.
Nights & weekends: Jenna, cybredominatrix.
Same workplace, same tools, different interactions.)
Thoughts about collars.
@Momentrabbit bunny ears seem like a good place for hang tags..