True tales, friends!
@literorrery (🐰) asked me (🐴) for water (💧) so I gladly followed my usual instinct: walk to the sink without bothering with the light, rinse the glass, and fill. But then I smelled oranges—
🐴: “Oops. Sorry for wasting a shot of your MIO.” (It's essentially zero-calorie Kool-Aid concentrate.)
🐰: “Oh, pshaw, it was only a little. Not even a MIO, just an M.”
🐴: “Three-quarters of an M – an N.”
🐰: “Half – a V!”
🐴: “Maybe it’s half as in two I's just... *leans* “Chillin’.”
@literorrery @ElectricKeet ... why is your emoji brown pants with a black belt?