@mawr *kersnugs!* Ah, take me down to the Mawr Plush City where the hills are pillows and the Rawrs are snuggly. n.n
@mawr Nothing a little Gardiner in the Dark couldn't cure. That's what the note on the screen says, anyhow! Not sure who left it, but the handwriting looks familiar. Atrocious, but familiar. Actually, I'm not really sure what the problem was, anymore. Seemed important, but couldn't have been all that bad.
Heeeeey. You... are a ✨PLUSH!✨ OMGrawr. May I offer hugs? n.n
furry history, gross
@irisjaycomics @Ferrovore
Horror and madness
@Fuego @literorrery Instead of testing the character limit, please just imagine me screaming in horror as long and as loud as you'd like. O.o
low-grade depression (~50-70 milliKafkas)
@zebratron2084 Trapped in the Cole-Iwerks Second, the slice of time between frames, 'where the magic happens' - only now it's not. Curiously compelling.
@irisjaycomics The Dogecoin collapse was A Thing and It Happened. So crash. Much loss. Very cost.
@JulieSqveakaroo The personification of my less attractive psychological issues, yeah, the latter.
Kind of reassuring she pops up with sufficient stimulus, actually. She serves as a nice "Oh *that's* why I've been so miserable lately, it's not anything anybody's done or not done to me - I'm Just Crazy. Riiight. I keep forgetting."
@Austin_Dern ... where do I sign up?
@zebratron2084 ... I'd hit it. *cough*
@JulieSqveakaroo something something stretching roosources HUH WHAT PAYING FULL ATTENTION NOW
@noelle That is awesome! Thank you muchly. n.n
@noelle Good point, I was imprecise. I'm curious about all, but I think I'll specialize in Sojourner's build.
@drwho Oh excellent! Thank you very much.
profoundly unhealthy-looking food
@zebratron2084 ... Ooooh.
'Schmarrn' is *such* a dragonnish name, too.
@JulieSqveakaroo oh, totally, fer shure. *sqveak*
Middle-aged scatterbrain working in 'the healthcare field'. Teaching a computer to sculpt in my spare time. Torontoish. Pronouns: he/hare