@leafnoodle Do they deep fry entire artichokes? Please tell me they deep fry entire artichokes
I haven't really talked about it on here, but our car was broken into while we were in Vancouver! I'm holding a sale to help cover related costs. I don't do sales often, so this is a great opportunity! Boosts are 💙💙💙💙💙💙
@literorrery Yeah it's..... not great. I can understand not wanting a societal expectation of "new parents spend additional money to make others more comfortable", because babies are pretty expensive to begin with? But "parents shouldn't be obligated to do this" and "parents doing this is inherently bad" are such vastly different takes.
@literorrery (A bit of added context, this was all prompted by a thread of parents /against/ people giving out earplugs when taking a newborn on a long flight, because it suggests that children crying is an imposition on a shared space.)
Opinions, etc
@literorrery I agree that it's not possible to perfectly accommodate absolutely everyone, but it really steams me to see legitimate problems people face dismissed as people being "just difficult".
Is there a solution that leaves both infants and people with auditory processing problems 100% happy on a six hour flight together? No, but if we're communicative with each other and accept other people's needs as valid we might be able to reach a medium that makes it at least tolerable.
Opinions, children, ableism, birdsite subtooting
@Mous "If I can't get my baby to stop crying, I just ignore the crying and conserve my energy. Everyone else can do the same."
Go! Fuck!! Yourself!!! There are people with sensory processing problems who literally *can't* ignore noises like that, and if your idea of "sharing space" accommodates screaming infants but not autistic adults then you're an absolute prick.
It's probably because I painted a jack-o-lantern on the ass of mine. Nobody can deny the ass-o-lantern.
Art Rodent, queer as hell, he/they
Personal account! I can also be found at mous@mastodon.social