@leafnoodle (He says, suddenly remembering that he never changed this account from its Halloween name last year)
@leafnoodle I hold myself to Oct 1st, but only because I know otherwise I will creep earlier and earlier every year.
Life Update
@leafnoodle It's terrible and baffling and I don't get how people consistently endure it...
Life Update
A big issue with having been largely self employed is that I... don't really know the difference between a normal amount of not enjoying your job and a "holy shit get out" amount. Or how much of the "normal" amount is the result of toxic work-until-you-die capitalism!!!
I just want enough money to not be a burden to others and a way of earning it that doesn't overwhelm me. :(
Life update
So for the last two weeks I've been working a Real People Job, opening boxes and lifting things for a big box store. I'm not sure if it's a good fit for me, but I'm trying to tough it out. It's part-time, but consumes enough of my energy that I haven't really gotten to do much else. I miss drawing.
Three weeks until I visit England, two months until I finally shed my terrible exoskeleton and emerge anew.
Dreams, animal death, vulture
I'm a little concerned about how easily dream-me stopped caring about all of the animals he'd neglected, but on the other hand: Stress Dream thwarted by Weird Hobbies. Take THAT, anxiety!!!
Dreams, animal death, vulture
Sometimes I get Anxiety Dreams where I suddenly remember that I have an enormous number of pets that I've been completely failing to take care of. I check on them and find that they've been unfed, no clean water, and breeding like crazy. Usually a large number of them are dead.
I had that dream last night, this time it was lots of rodents/small mammals. But the dream went off-script when my vulturing instincts kicked in and I realised I could get a bunch of skulls.
Comics, transphobia
@irisjaycomics yeah, that's where I ultimately landed... bleeeeh.
Grabbed too many lemon's from my family's backyard, so we combined forces with the too-much-mint in @leafnoodle 's backyard to make some rad Mint Lemonade!
Art Rodent, queer as hell, he/they
Personal account! I can also be found at mous@mastodon.social