Star Wars spoilers
In reading articles and people's reactions to the movie, I'm starting to feel like the only person who EXPECTED Luke to just throw the lightsaber over his shoulder at the beginning? People are talking about it as subverting expectations and setting a tone but... I don't know, from the moment he reached for it I just felt like that's what he was going to do.
Pulling an all nighter to (hopefully) get Transformed! #3 done in time for SacAnime! Please enjoy this monster lady.
Everyone wish @catterfly a happy birthday!!!! They're at LEAST five whole years old!!!
abt to see del toro's newest public infatuation with @Mous and we're both very excited
Dear awoo,
Today @catterfly made the innovative suggestion to me to use egg dying tablets.... as a suppository.
Yours truly,
Art Rodent, queer as hell, he/they
Personal account! I can also be found at