existential screaming (--)
ever feel like the solutions to some of the world's problems have been easier and more obvious than ever before but you want to fucking scream in people's faces for outright refusing to start working on them
like gee, a bunch of rich white dudes who openly contempt the rest of society hold pretty much all the money and power in the world but noooooooo, clearly the REAL problem is people who are different from you who are just trying to fucking live, right?
existential screaming, continued (--)
"but how do we pay for all this?!" I don't know, maybe we actually make the rich contribute their fucking part in society???
"but the economy!" isn't a fucking excuse; economics is nothing more than an abstraction of the cycle of goods and resources through society. that shit is people's decisions all the way down, cut the bullshit and can -clearly- see a small group of rich folks hogging everything at the expense of the world as a whole
oygwӿgꝏgowoԍmnɀ mϣnnmgn (---)
◇⋒◇⋒ԍmgԍჸgԍnoԍ ɑoȝŋŋwoɪŋჸg ɸowgyŋჸ oиɀԍԍɸɽ∴ ⴜowy yԍgwɀymgnɑmgψϣɟзԍ ɀyɟɽ, ygŋɪg mϣɑgᶙɀbwᶗȝ.
⊼⊼ⴅɀևoӿcnoyʋɀჸg φgozзꝏϣnɪgꝏɑmgψϣɟзԍ ɀyʋɽ, ʓ ⴜonჸϣԍoȝoȝgɟ oʋʋзw ɟgyԍⴜoswgφgŋჸзԍ gɑmgn; ⴜowy gnჸз ᶙᶗԍφgozз ɑφoԍɟɽ mᶗȝɟɽ ⴜowy ʋᶗwɪⴜ ygynჸgɟ, ywзⴜϣwԍɽɟ sϣჸg ŋwӿꝏgჸϣ ɑφoԍɽ yg ɑɽmnɽ.
⊼⊼⊼ԍთgnɀmwᶗȝ иŋӿgpgŋჸ.
oygwӿgꝏgowoԍmnɀ mϣnnmgn (---)
@Thaminga *hugs..?*
oygwӿgꝏgowoԍmnɀ mϣnnmgn (---)
@Thaminga i sensed as much *rests forehead against* i wish i could offer any encouragement or hope… all i have is solidarity. We aren’t from here, and we are here for each other