existential screaming, continued (--)
"but how do we pay for all this?!" I don't know, maybe we actually make the rich contribute their fucking part in society???
"but the economy!" isn't a fucking excuse; economics is nothing more than an abstraction of the cycle of goods and resources through society. that shit is people's decisions all the way down, cut the bullshit and can -clearly- see a small group of rich folks hogging everything at the expense of the world as a whole
existential screaming, continued (--)
@Thaminga I feel the same. It's like trying to talk to a brick wall 99% of the time.
oygwӿgꝏgowoԍmnɀ mϣnnmgn (---)
@Thaminga *hugs..?*
oygwӿgꝏgowoԍmnɀ mϣnnmgn (---)
@Oneironott I'm alright, but yeah
not terribly hopeful for humanity at this point and mostly expressing a fuckton of contempt best expressed in language nobody else can read *squeezes*
oygwӿgꝏgowoԍmnɀ mϣnnmgn (---)
@Thaminga i sensed as much *rests forehead against* i wish i could offer any encouragement or hope… all i have is solidarity. We aren’t from here, and we are here for each other
existential screaming, continued (--)
@Thaminga i was literally thinking about this today
let's say "we're going to eliminate poverty in america by taking $5 from people who can afford it and give it to people below poverty"
$5 per person who can spare $5. Let's look at if we can eliminate poverty doing this:
Let's break this down:
existential screaming, continued (--)
@Thaminga 249,485,228 18+ people in 2013
73,579,424 < 18 people
~45,000,000 people below poverty line in 2013
Let''s just take a ballpark and say "80% of the adult population not below the poverty line can afford $5", so we collect $5 from 199,588,182 people,
which amounts to $997,940,910 or $22 per person in poverty
This is a gross underestimate because of wealth distribution and so on but I know a lot of people for whom $22 is life and death
existential screaming, continued (--)
@Thaminga And that's just breaking this down for state-decided "poverty lines", which are probably underrepresentative of how much a person needs anyway
Couple this with the fact that the government could do more for making affordable housing for below-the-line folks bc bulk management and purchasing of resources is way cheaper than trying for individuals and you have a lot of ways to reduce poverty just by taking a small amount of $ from ppl who can spare.
existential screaming, continued (--)
@Thaminga this is all really handwavey math but like.... i don't think eliminating suffering in the USA is beyond our means, rich people just don't want to lift a finger and we suffer by and wide from "disaffected millionaire syndrome" and yea....
existential screaming, continued (--)
@Thaminga anyway sorry to hijack your thread i was literally just thinking about this and i really wish people cared a lot more than they do
existential screaming, continued (--)
@vahnj now imagine how much we could get done if we upped this to 1% of the wealth from the people making above median income going to everyone below that
94.7 billion - 2.5% = $92,332,500,000 divided across 124,742,614 people = $740.18 per person, and that's -just 1%- from people who can easily afford to lose so, so much more
existential screaming, continued (--)
@Thaminga i'd love to see how much total $ is reported for all folks below the poverty line so we can get a hard read on how much $ we would actually have to raise in order to raise them to the bar tbh. would be a real interesting number.
existential screaming, continued (--)
@vahnj oh yeah, my numbers were for all adults in the bottom 50% which absolutely includes people who can keep themselves up just fine
oygwӿgꝏgowoԍmnɀ mϣnnmgn (---)
◇⋒◇⋒ԍmgԍჸgԍnoԍ ɑoȝŋŋwoɪŋჸg ɸowgyŋჸ oиɀԍԍɸɽ∴ ⴜowy yԍgwɀymgnɑmgψϣɟзԍ ɀyɟɽ, ygŋɪg mϣɑgᶙɀbwᶗȝ.
⊼⊼ⴅɀևoӿcnoyʋɀჸg φgozзꝏϣnɪgꝏɑmgψϣɟзԍ ɀyʋɽ, ʓ ⴜonჸϣԍoȝoȝgɟ oʋʋзw ɟgyԍⴜoswgφgŋჸзԍ gɑmgn; ⴜowy gnჸз ᶙᶗԍφgozз ɑφoԍɟɽ mᶗȝɟɽ ⴜowy ʋᶗwɪⴜ ygynჸgɟ, ywзⴜϣwԍɽɟ sϣჸg ŋwӿꝏgჸϣ ɑφoԍɽ yg ɑɽmnɽ.
⊼⊼⊼ԍთgnɀmwᶗȝ иŋӿgpgŋჸ.