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medical, -- 

Oooof, I must have eaten something that was really off... x.x;;; Felt slightly sick last night, but didn't think anything of it, and now have spent an hour in the bathroom and an hour laying down with horrible stomach pains...

Brexit, trans stuff, shitpost but also very real 

Seen on birdsite :

A transgender friend has told me the UK should be required to live "as" an independent nation for two years before making the irreversible decision to transition out of the EU

Guess who forgot her password manager master password, again >.<;;;

yooooo the chemical that makes catnip affect cats is called nepetalactone

just *try* to tell me that's not what you take to transition into a catgirl

Why yes, I've been having lots of fun with this project, why do you ask? >.>;;;

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the best part of being in a poly relationship is giggling at your girlfriend when she crushes on someone

@sc I heard this will actually be the final desktop version release, because they're working on a mobile version of Winamp and dropping desktop support? But I don't have an article link handy...

re: outfit selfie 

@minty_da Your outfit is completely adorable! ^w^ 💖

@catgirl Scripting is basically the only reasonable way of doing that game in TTS anyway, since you have to make sure the pathing is sane, but also make sure nobody knows what the path looks like before starting the game.

@catgirl I could probably try digging out my copy of MP5 this weekend if you'd like me to find those out for you... ^^

@catgirl Mario Party 5 was amazing =w= It had the first iteration of the capsule/orb system, it had Super Duels, it had some pretty great mini-games, and it had probably my favorite mode in the whole series, Card Party! @w@

@catgirl It's okay, I just wasn't expecting nightmare fuel o.o;;;;;;;;

re: terrible, scary idea, caps 

@catgirl I ALMOST SPIT MY TEA AT MY MONITORS .-.;;;;;;;;

@catgirl A spreadsheet might be the only reasonable visual way of doing it? I can't think of any other tools that would be useful...

@catgirl ... wow that's kind of sad =.=;;

Also I totally didn't realize there hadn't been an online Mario Party before! I would have thought at least some older game would have had network capabilities...

@catgirl Yeah, that soulds like it would be awful playing that for any length of time... =w=;;

@catgirl Mario Party 1 absolutely had some amazing mechanics. I don't think cooperative 4P minigames even existed for ages after that game (or maybe they still don't?? I don't know what MP6 or after have...)

@catgirl @catgirl And don't forget, in most (every?) 1v3 / 2v2 mini-game, and even some 4P mini-games!, losers actually paid the winners coins. Team mini-games had much more on the line, and if you didn't cooperate, you were actually penalized for it!

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