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I do not understand how both programs I wrote for tonight's AoC2018 puzzle compiled properly first try and also worked correctly first try .-.

My code is usually buggy and doesn't work?? and it hasn't been very much anymore????

the pansexual equivalent of "gold star lesbian" is having sex with at least one person of every single existing gender

it has been postulated that this feat is theoretically impossible, and this was proven in 1972 by a team of mathematicians who all later were awarded the field's medal for their work

okay, after FINALLY getting this code to work, after several hours' worth of debugging, and finding out that the original game's code makes an assumption that doesn't hold anymore with how my code works...

I can finally, finally insert new venture card text.

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It was a long day. but finally, I have obtained a license to be A. Fox ^w^

If you record a VHS tape onto a DVD...

... is that circleulating the tapes?

re: digitization, merging kink, long 

@sudo_bee This is really incredible! 💖

I have basically no self-esteem whatsoever, and feel awkward and anxious asking to work on something with anybody else, so ... having something that I can contribute to and feel confident that I can do is something I don't think I could let go of right now...

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I ... don't really feel comfortable backing off or dropping it, though? I worry that I'd end up feeling guilty about not doing enough and letting down everybody who has been working on it with me, and also just wouldn't know what else I should be doing...

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I know I don't talk about much else, anymore, because... I've kind of let this project entirely consume my life, to the point where I haven't been taking care of myself at all some days...

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I feel like people probably won't care about me much unless I have some accomplishment I can show and say "I made this!", and working on this project has given me a reason to believe I might actually be worth something...

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I guess it's time for a somewhat personal post...

I've been pushing myself every day to keep working on translating Itadaki Street 2, because I would really love to see it fully playable in English someday, but also for another reason...

@Motodrachen I feel like I never have much to say about anything, and that most people are off doing things with other people or talking with their other friends, so I don't really matter or belong with them...

And ... even if people notice, like you... I worry that talking with me is exhausting, or burdening, or just not interesting, and so I feel like I just shouldn't be here intruding this way...

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