@rdonoghue hi Rob, it's a me, Skimble.
@ThatDamnCat This is not my beautiful wife!
@natanji Submissive, often shortened to Sub? Though I guess that doesn't have quite the connotations of ownership etc...
How about nouning obedient? My "Obedient" or "Obedient One"?
You could go for a less loaded term like "Houseboy" or "Minion".
@xojc Yup! At least, I think so... though you have to put 'em behind a content warning...
food, diet
@vahnj You could use butternut squash instead of potato fries to reduce the level of carbohydrates a bit, at least?
@PaulFerence Meet your deadlines might be a _primary_ skill, given that even if you're a mediocre writer who does this there's always a use for you. Though your finished work may need polish at least it is actually finished.
Freelance Fate RPG writer, insurance broker, skeptical octopod fan.