You should give them what they truly want... you can check with @vahnj if you have problems
It's been a while since I've seen Snuffy Smith, but the comic hasn't changed any
I'm gonna catch up just as soon as I nap 😉
You are so far ahead of me
I still have a tooth infection. It hurts.
Had a bad time getting to the bank today. My own fault, really.
Finally made a food today, and all I did was make basic mashed potatoes and pan-cook a steak.
I would never be so ineffective if I felt better. I feel ashamed, though I know it's not because I'm actually bad. I just hurt.
Take good care of your teeth!! 😬
my feeling all day long
dwarf me
I live by an elementary school with an attached park. I made a lot of friends there (other parents) and it helped get me out of the house more. I'd make daily trips and take grapes or mandarins with me and it was good.
Also gave me writing ideas.
It's hard to self-motivate sometimes but small steps like that make it easier.
They're less common around here compared to when I was a kid but they exist all over Oregon by law
ask for lots of extras
nice dress!
But only so many offer table service
Trans Woman from Austin, Texas