Okay so I had to do a quick test of "user icons seen through gems" before I could go to sleep.
@anthracite Ooooo, pretty.
4b seems to have the most icon space, and the distortion looks interesting.
climate change; ancient warnings; creepy as all-loving fuck
@zebratron2084 One cyclical thing about history: When people got desperate, like from water levels being too low, people grew more violent and we see conflicts at the same time. The "Mayan Collapse" came about -- according to one theory -- because of changing climate; less farms available, so take more farms from others. Then fortify for war, but can't fortify farms. Mass starvation.
(I have been on both ends of this myself, and feel a lot of guilt for my own part to play in determining guilt unfairly)
@anthracite No more pure expression of love than compression under dragon butt.
@anthracite ....Are you trying to horde your users?
'Cause that's actually awesome to me. :V
@irisjaycomics @itsnero Heh, my mom grew up in Philly. Always had commentary on what was a proper Philadelphia cheese steak and what wasn't.
Can I put you in my pocket and save you for later?
Because you're too good to lose, you're the flavor I savor.
Can I put you in my pocket and save you for later?
Because you're the trouble I want, you're my troublemaker.
@Irick @tahajin Yeah, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't principle. The point is to set you on the back foot and unbalance you, and if you ignore it it goes unchallenged but hopefully unnoticed, if it goes challenged it goes definitely noticed.
But I mean, this is from asshole fans of met0kur, who were name-searching someone who responded to a tweet of mine, so they're already harassing assholes by default.
I just rolled my eyes, quoted Bernie, blocked.
@idpd I love this aesthetic so much! Multi-eyes!
Nettle -- a punk rock sheep. Ulfra - big wolf mama tf witch. Vedia -- Witch girl with magic sword. Wolf & sheep kin. Hazel and Willow are my sisters. Refugee from witches.town. An open book -- talk to me and I'll try to talk back as much as I can!