#SquirrelJME: I think I am ready to continue working on this project now that I have been accustomed to work. Rather itching to work on it.
#SquirrelJME: Got video output working on Palm OS. Needed to add more framebuffer stuff since it is 8-bit color here. https://t.co/2v27Vhnw1R
#SquirrelJME: Decided to do this for fun, just to relax before I start work! https://t.co/YzXcr8b4Wu
#SquirrelJME: For the new job I will be taking a few weeks break on SquirrelJME so I can figure out how things will go down. Needs to have an actual feel for my available time on the side and I need to ensure I do not burn myself out at all.
#SquirrelJME: Hi! I am employed now and next week is my last week of no work. So I will be spending the time seeing where I am right now and seeing how to continue within my limits. I am very excited to be working again, and I am very happy! Thank you for your understanding!
#SquirrelJME: Descriptions updated.
#SquirrelJME: The descriptions of SquirrelJME are being updated. I wrote the description more than a year ago and times have changed, it longer is a goal it is actual software.
#SquirrelJME: Had an idea for the Squirrel Quarrel demo game, just for now made a field of grass with a selection cursor. https://t.co/tgIOj9NmLd
#SquirrelJME: Found a 240x320 DoomRPG but it does not in plain Java SE since one of the classes fails to load after the loading screen, no indication as to why.
#SquirrelJME: I implemented profiling in SummerCoat so I can profile the bootloader (includes system calls). The times seem to very much be better than SpringCoat so far. The 65 second method is actually the lazy ROM initialization when no ROM is used (is compiled at runtime). https://t.co/0H5h0LQpnx
#SquirrelJME: Made it so the loading screen appears sooner, but in only a basic format. Once the splash screen is loaded, it will then use that one. This way it still displays the copyright info and is more responsive when loading is completed. https://t.co/8W4GMPvjsf
#SquirrelJME: Added the Sponsor button to the GitHub, do you can easily find how to help me out! https://t.co/QI5YTXJKKB
#SquirrelJME: When reading from memory, the best thing to do is to actually store the value you are reading into a variable somewhere! Took me like a day digging around into C code. https://t.co/U6sU0HBhwe
#SquirrelJME: The interesting thing is that SquirrelJME is a JVM, but it runs all the JVM logic in Java which runs within its own JVM. Lots of the glueing is done by the byte code compiler. The stuff on the outside is just a basic CPU with memory access. So this is very like C.
#SquirrelJME: I am using code I wrote in 2012 (7 years ago) in SquirrelJME. It actually comes from an open source Palm OS 6.3 clone (that sort of did something but I stopped working on it). Also, some graphics code is in the VM is from a game I made in 2010. Old code is useful!
#SquirrelJME: The supervisor printing a bunch of text about what the ROM contains in @libretro. Note the red border means the JVM stopped working. Running at the lowest speed (32K cycles per frame).
#SquirrelJME: Just drawing a few linear pixels onto the framebuffer. https://t.co/T8F84y1jQB
#SquirrelJME: One character in my monospace font was 7 pixels wide instead of 6 pixels. https://t.co/gLh6emlr8f
#SquirrelJME: Dumping the Firmware ROM in RatufaCoat. RatufaCoat is pure C, but it runs Java code! Terminal printing is a bit slow right now because I only push a single byte at a time, need to have it where I can send more at once. Also the contents are not sorted! https://t.co/R4xZSue7US
#SquirrelJME: Fixed a RatufaCoat bug where it just ran for 1M cycles then stopped. Thought I had some kind of weird error where the supervisor was exiting abnormally.
Moved to @XerShadowTail , please follow me there instead!