#SquirrelJME: I am using code I wrote in 2012 (7 years ago) in SquirrelJME. It actually comes from an open source Palm OS 6.3 clone (that sort of did something but I stopped working on it). Also, some graphics code is in the VM is from a game I made in 2010. Old code is useful!
#SquirrelJME: The supervisor printing a bunch of text about what the ROM contains in @libretro. Note the red border means the JVM stopped working. Running at the lowest speed (32K cycles per frame).
#SquirrelJME: Just drawing a few linear pixels onto the framebuffer. https://t.co/T8F84y1jQB
#SquirrelJME: One character in my monospace font was 7 pixels wide instead of 6 pixels. https://t.co/gLh6emlr8f
#SquirrelJME: Dumping the Firmware ROM in RatufaCoat. RatufaCoat is pure C, but it runs Java code! Terminal printing is a bit slow right now because I only push a single byte at a time, need to have it where I can send more at once. Also the contents are not sorted! https://t.co/R4xZSue7US
#SquirrelJME: Fixed a RatufaCoat bug where it just ran for 1M cycles then stopped. Thought I had some kind of weird error where the supervisor was exiting abnormally.
#SquirrelJME: A listing of libraries SummerCoat is picking up. https://t.co/UMQQvMwW3P
#SquirrelJME: A selection of available libraries as seen by SummerCoat. https://t.co/E5M9HOzfOH
#SquirrelJME: Stack traces are a bit more informational now! I decided to get these working as I go into the bootstrap so I can do some quicker debugging. https://t.co/uXQXzsWZBQ
#SquirrelJME: With the (new) flip phone overlay, SquirrelJME on @libretro rather reminds me of old phones. Note that, the red screen indicates a JVM error (such as no ROM). Currently is still a work in progress! https://t.co/XZFmO0WHgD
#SquirrelJME: I have this like lingering feeling that I am over counting objects when it comes to fields.
#SquirrelJME: Stack traces in the supervisor, at least before I implement getting the individual details and integer to string conversion. But I do know the stack depth of four which I believe is correct. https://t.co/FLA9GMA0Ad
Moved to @XerShadowTail , please follow me there instead!