Acephobia, revenge dunking
We don't overcome oppression by oppressing
Straight folks aren't the enemy, bigots are. Dunking on straight folks isn't empowerment, it is revenge. Even if you think its "just fun"
You can have a queer only space without othering non-queer people. Learn to tell the difference between dunking and legitimate complaints
Ace people suffer acephobia. Trying to exclude them from your conception of GSM communities is just pushing the oppression we all felt down another level
#SquirrelJME: Totally forgot about Vector, it is not in the API source code. This definitely needs to be added.
#SquirrelJME: Waiting on some literature to be delivered, so will be working on some other things in the mean time.
Moved to @XerShadowTail , please follow me there instead!