hey there are only 3 more days this can be signed, if you're Australian please sign it, it still has less then 1k signatures
RT @The_SylviaSys@twitter.com
there's a formal petition to get facial feminization surgery covered by Medicare in Australia
Please sign if you're an Australian citizen
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/The_SylviaSys/status/1303276420353855488
#SquirrelJME: This happens when two threads print to the console at the same time. https://t.co/hC5b7zqvqv
#SquirrelJME: Merged in the Multi-VM Refactor, so yay! This makes 2 out of 10 tasks complete, will be moving on to the next.
#SquirrelJME: I tagged the various GitHub projects (https://t.co/aVXMr4lDHw) so that right now there are 10 tasks with 0.4.0 where 1 is complete and another 1 is nearing completion. Once these 10 are hit then 0.4.0 is release ready.
Moved to @XerShadowTail , please follow me there instead!