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Hey Mastodon, I’m looking for more #trans folks and #ActuallyAutistic folks to follow and connect with! I’m an #autistic #TransMan myself, looking for other #transmasc folks as well as #transfem and #nonbinary people. Please say hi, and feel free to use this toot to make connections! ☺️

Boosts appreciated! 💙
#introduction #TwitterMigration #NewHere

ssi, mh ~ 

Just finished the stressful process of applying for SSI @.@

Use Halloween to spread werewolf bf and werewolf gf propaganda

brpol, coup 

Hearing from a friend in brazil that there's a coup d'etat happening right now.

Their military has closed the borders, police are arresting any voters with left-leaning stickers, and the commander has said they won't follow brazil's supreme court anymore.

To anyone in brazil right now, please stay safe!

"male bees" "female bees" bro bees have 3 genders and its just worker, drone, and queen

applying human genders to them is just not how any of this works

Fediverse tip we haven't seen a lot of: read people's profiles and pinned posts!

Like, first of all, this just tells you about people - if you see someone interesting, this lets you know roughly what they're about.

But second, a lot of people use fedi in a very private personal way? And they'll talk about their boundaries there. So digging into that helps you interact with them in a way that makes them comfortable.

- Packbats 🎒

meds, mh + 

Today and yesterday I've noticed that I've been having an easier time with just... doing things.

Previously I would just stop mini-projects before they began because I didn't have the spoons, but now I am doing better. I'm getting better at handling tasks and projects.

I think this is because the dosage on my anti-depressant got boosted last week, going from 40mg of Fluoxetine per day to 60mg.

Hey all, I'm a transgender geek with a wide range of interests, including writing, art, programming, and world-building. My big goal is to become an indie game developer, which I am slowly working towards.

She/Her pronouns, and my gender is dragoness :3

The fact that Pantone claims to OWN colours should be the best sign that you lot need to start spilling blood to destroy the copyright and patent system. :blobglarenervous:

"So, here's the database you'll be maintaining-"
"oh damn this is ancient, jeez, what's this programmed in?? Who made this for you??"
"...didn't your application say you were fluent in COBOL?"
"Yes? But I don't see what being able to talk to kobolds has to do with databases."
"........wait what about that server you ran?"
"yeah that was just me yipping at kobolds to get the system working. Surprisingly efficient actually... just noisy."

Currently thinking about putting Linux onto an old iPad 🤔

begpost, surgery, :boost_ok:

In case anyone would like to help dampen the financial ouchies of my upcoming surgery

Thank you 😭

birdsite; Elon; Winter is Coming 

Folks, it’s time to prepare yourselves.

Assuming nothing happens to hold up the deal any further, Elon Musk will officially purchase Twitter tomorrow.

And assuming that happens as planned, the Fediverse may very well see an influx of new users.

This weekend may be…busy. Govern yourselves accordingly.

vent, ISP 

Lovely, comcrap trying to scam us for another $25 per month for something we were already promised -.-

mh - 

Got RSD brain from discovering that a formerly close friend I've known for ten years has apparently ghosted me ._.

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